DataZen uses three primary components: a management utility (DataZen Manager), one or
more agents (Sync Agents), and Change Logs. You use the management utility to operate and configure
the agents, monitor the jobs created on the agents, and replay previously
created change logs.
DataZen Manager

Replication Configuration
Historical Reporting
DataSync Agents

Replication & CDC Engine
Exposes APIs
Highly Resilient
Change Logs

File-based / Portable
Source/Target Agnostic
This section covers the following topics:
- Sync Agents: Overview of Sync Agents
- Job Readers & Writers: Job Readers and Writers Overview
- Synthetic CDC: Introduction to DataZen's Synthetic Change Data Capture
- Direct Sync: Direct Sync Jobs Overview
- Job Types: List of job types that can be created
- Multicasting: How multicasting works with DataZen