DataZen HTTP API 2.0 Documentation

Enzo DataZen


The DataZen HTTP API allows developers to control and program DataZen agents and jobs. The HTTP API provided in this documentation is the same used by the DataZen Manager application.

In order to successfully access DataZen agents and jobs using the HTTP API, you will need the following:

  • A DataZen agent installed and running
  • A valid license key
  • HTTP API Authentication Keys

Follow the steps provided in the Installation Guide to configure the agent and apply your license key.

License Key

A valid license key needs to be applied to the DataZen agent against which the HTTP APIs will be executed. The easiest way to apply the license key is to use the DataZen Manager application.

Security Configuration

The HTTP API requires the use of Access Keys. A DataZen agent can be configured to restrict access to the API using the following mechanisms:

  • API Access: the HTTP calls can be restriced to accessing either the Agent API or the Jobs API
  • HTTP Get: the HTTP calls can be restricted to access GET operations only (read-only)

Shared Access Keys are automatically generated when an agent is configured the first time. To view the Shared Access Keys, start the DataZen Manager, select the agent, and choose Configuration -> Agent Settings, and choose the Shared Access Keys tab.


A few HTTP API handlers are not available for security reasons and require the DataZen Manager to administer:

  • Agent Configuration: Any agent configuration setting, including setting the license key, cannot be modified using the HTTP API
  • Connection Strings: Connection Strings used in jobs cannot be created, updated, or deleted using the HTTP API

Sample HTTP Call

The following HTTP call shows you how to query an agent, listening on port 9559, authenticate using a Shared Access Key (using the Authorization Header) and returns a JSON payload that provides the current version of the agent:

All HTTP calls to a DataZen agent must be authenticated using the Authentication header. The only authentication mode supported in this release is SharedKey.

HTTP Request

GET http://localhost:9559/version  
Authorization: SharedKey 123456789426478564563123




If an API requires parameters, they are to be added as part of the Query String of the URL. The following example shows how to call the /job/output endpoint:

GET http://localhost:9559/job/output?guid=B427BC0D-57DB-4C88-A847-7B4D07AFBCC5 
Authorization: SharedKey 123456789426478564563123

Agent API Section

This section covers the HTTP APIs available to manage and monitor DataZen agents.


Parses a license file and returns detailed information about the license provided.


Retrieves licensing details given a license file payload.

object DataZenLicense show/hide

POST /licenseinfo
John Miller
    "DataZenLicense": {
        "LastValidationMessage":"License is invalid"

Agent Status

Provides the current status of a DataZen agent.


Retrieves configuration settings and status of a DataZen agent including licensing details.

string URL The URL this agent is listening on (ex: http://localhost:9559)
bool Running When true, the agent is in a running status
string StageDatabaseServer The name of the database server where the Stage database is located
string StageDatabaseName The name of the Stage database
string StageLogin The UserId used for the Stage database
string LicenseFile The License File for the agent
object DataZenLicense show/hide
object Version show/hide

GET /status
    "DataZenLicense": {
    "Version": {


Provides the version of an agent.


Retrieves the current version of a DataZen agent.

object Version show/hide

GET /version
    "Version": {

Connection Strings

Manages connection strings stored securely in DataZen.


Gets available connection strings or the connection string for the key provided. To retrieve connection string metata (without the actual connection string itself) call the /connections/metadata endpoint instead for better performance.

Query Parameters
string key The key of the connection string to retrieve (optional)
string decrypt When 1, decrypts the data node of the connection string (optional). By default, connection strings are returned encrypted in the 'data' node.
string type When provided, filters the list with the Connection Type provided (ex: DB) (optional)
Key The unique friendly name of the Central Connection String
Data (always empty)
System The system this connection points to (ex: MySQL, Oracle, AWS S3 Bucket, Google BigQuery, HTTP...)
UseCount The number of jobs that reference this connection string
ConnectionType The type of connection string (HTTP, Drive, DB, Messaging, BigData)

GET /connections?key=MyAWSS3Connection
    "Data": "{\"service\":\"awss3\",\"displayName\":\"AWS S3 Bucket\",\"displayConnectionString\":\"testdata\",\"bucket\":\"testdata\",\"accessKey\":\"...\",\"accessSecret\":\"...\",\"region\":\"us-east-1\"}",
    "System":"AWS S3 Bucket",

Connection Strings Metadata

Retrieves available connection strings information without the actual connection string itself (the 'data' node is always empty).


Gets information about all available connection strings or for the key provided, without returning the actual connection string.

Query Parameters
string key The key of the connection string to retrieve (optional)
Key The unique friendly name of the Central Connection String
Data (always empty)
System The system this connection points to (ex: MySQL, Oracle, AWS S3 Bucket, Google BigQuery, HTTP...)
UseCount The number of jobs that reference this connection string
ConnectionType The type of connection string (HTTP, Drive, DB, Messaging, BigData)

GET /connections/metadata
    "System":"AWS S3 Bucket",
    "System":"Local Path",


Changes the status of the agent to "running" and resumes job processing. Any active job that missed its processing window will start.


Allows the DataZen agent to resume processing scheduled jobs.

OK Success response code

POST /start


Changes the status of the agent to "stopped" and stops automatic job processing. Does not cancel jobs that are still running, but prevents future active jobs from starting on schedule.


Stop job processing.

OK Success response code

POST /stop

Dynamic Job

Dynamic Jobs allows you to run data movement jobs without first having to create them in DataZen. Dynamic Jobs only exist in memory in DataZen; their definitions are not stored. However, the execution summary of a Dynamic Job can be viewed, including its detailed output even after is has been completed. The following options are available for Dynamic Jobs:



Returns the definition of a dynamic job. If guid is provided, the jobkey parameter is ignored. If neither value is provided, all available Dynamic Jobs found in memory are returned. Restarting DataZen clears all Dynamic Jobs from memory.

Query Parameters
string guid The job guid to filter on (optional)
string jobkey The job key to filter on (optional)
object[] object
where object can be either a jobReader or jobWriter
  jobReader show/hide
  jobWriter show/hide

GET /job/dynamic?guid=a3ff75315a4241d1958e1f9dbd53829f
    "SqlRead":"EXEC sharepoint._configuse 'default'; SELECT ID, Title, AccountNumber, CompanyId, Created, Modified FROM SharePoint.[list@companies]",
    "ConnectionString":"Data Source=localhost,9550;User Id=sa;password=.....",

Executes a job using the definition provided. Dynamic jobs cannot be deleted or updated. Although the JobKey and Guid parameters are optional when creating a dynamic job, it is best to provide a value if you intend to query the other endpoints (such as the /log/output endpoint). Note that the Connection String is required, and can either be the key of an existing connection or a full connection string.
At a minimum either the JobReader or JobWriter node must be provided; if both are provided, the job is considered a Direct Job and the writer will start as soon as the reader completes successfully. If only the Job Reader is provided, a Change Log file will be created and stored in the Path provided if any records are available.
HINT: Use the Export JSON button on a Job Definition in DataZen Manager to obtain a valid template for creating dynamic jobs.

Query Parameters
resync (optional) When 1, runs a full resync of the source system (applies to Job Readers only)
recreate (optional) When 1, attempts to truncate or recreate the target object (applies to Job Writers only)
testrun (optional) When 1, reads a single record from the source system (applies to Job Readers only)
object JobCreation show/hide
object JobReader show/hide
object JobWriter show/hide
OK Success response code

POST /job/dynamic
	"JobReader": {
		"SqlRead": "SELECT ID, Title, AccountNumber, CompanyId, Created, Modified FROM SharePoint.[list@companies]",
		"Path": "C:\\tmp\\datasync_reader",
		"UpsertColumns": "ID",
		"ConnectionString": "enzo9550"
	"JobWriter": {
		"UpsertColumns": "ID",
		"ConnectionString": "sql2017",
		"TargetObject": "[regression].SPCompanies2"

Dynamic Job Executions

Returns the history of executions available of a specific job given its unique identifier (guid). Although Dynamic Jobs are only stored in memory by DataZen, their executions are recorded in history and available even after restarting DataZen.


NOTE: The Unique Identifier of a Dynamic Job can be specifyed when it is started; this can make it easier to track the executions of related dynamic jobs over time. To view all available Dynamic Jobs still in memory, call the /jobssummary endpoint with the dynamic=1 option.

Query Parameters
string guid The job guid to query(required)
guid The guid of the dynamic job
execGuid The execution id of the dynamic job
lastRunTime The last run date/time of the dynamic job
errors Number of errors detected
warnings Number of warnings detected

GET /job/dynamic/executions?guid=a3ff75315a4241d1958e1f9dbd53829f

Enable/Disable Job

Enables or disables a job. When re-enabled, job processing will resume at the next scheduled interval; if the last interval was missed, the job will start immediately.
This operation does not support Dynamic Jobs.


Enables or disables a job.

Input Parameters
string guid The job identifier
string active The flag to disable or enable a job (0:disable, 1:enable)
OK Success response code

GET /job/enable?guid=123456789&active=0


Creates, updates or deletes a Job Reader, Job Writer, or Direct Job. A Direct Job contains both a reader and writer, and the job is considered successful when both are completed successfully.
This operation does not support Dynamic Jobs.


Creates a Job Reader, Job Writer, or Direct Job. When updating a DirectJob, you need to provide both the JobReader and the JobWriter.

Input Parameters
object JobCreation show/hide
object JobReader show/hide
object JobWriter show/hide
OK Success response code

POST /job

	"JobReader": {
		"Guid": null,
		"SqlRead": "SELECT * FROM sys.databases",
		"Path": "C:\\Tmp\\datasync_reader\\",
		"UpsertColumns": "database_id",
		"TimestampCol": "",
		"LastTsPointer": null,
		"LastTsDelPointer": null,
		"ConnectionString": "sql2017",
		"PropagateDelete": false,
		"SyncStrategy": "Full",
		"CreatedOn": "2022-10-12T19:24:14.3440036Z",
		"Status": null,
		"Initialize": false,
		"Active": true,
		"LastRunTime": null,
		"CronSchedule": "0 */5 * ? * *",
		"JsonData": {
			"AuditLogEnabled": true,
			"KeepChangedLogFiles": true,
			"EncryptionFile": "",
			"BypassTopN": false,
			"TopNOverride": 0,
			"DirectWriter": null,
			"ExecutionTimeout": 0,
			"BypassSchemaDetection": false,
			"DeletedRecordsMethod": 0,
			"DeletedRecordsSQL": null,
			"CDCTokenDeletedField": "",
			"MessagingOptions": null,
			"DriveSourceSettings": null,
			"Column2TableTxSettings": null,
			"HttpSourceSettings": null,
			"BigDataSourceSettings": null,
			"JobTriggers": [],
			"JobTriggersEnabled": false,
			"CDCSettings": null,
			"DynamicParameter": null
		"SystemName": null,
		"PipelineDef": []
	"JobWriter": null

Updates a Job Reader, Job Writer, or Direct Job. When updating a DirectJob, you need to provide both the JobReader and the JobWriter. The Guid nodes must be provided.

Input Parameters
object JobCreation show/hide
object JobReader show/hide
object JobWriter show/hide
OK Success response code

PUT /job

	"JobReader": {
		"Guid": a3ff75315a4241d1958e1f9dbd53829f,
		"SqlRead": "SELECT * FROM sys.databases",
		"Path": "C:\\Tmp\\datasync_reader\\",
		"UpsertColumns": "database_id",
		"TimestampCol": "",
		"LastTsPointer": null,
		"LastTsDelPointer": null,
		"ConnectionString": "sql2017",
		"PropagateDelete": false,
		"SyncStrategy": "Full",
		"CreatedOn": "2022-10-12T19:24:14.3440036Z",
		"Status": null,
		"Initialize": false,
		"Active": true,
		"LastRunTime": null,
		"CronSchedule": "0 */5 * ? * *",
		"JsonData": {
			"AuditLogEnabled": true,
			"KeepChangedLogFiles": true,
			"EncryptionFile": "",
			"BypassTopN": false,
			"TopNOverride": 0,
			"DirectWriter": null,
			"ExecutionTimeout": 0,
			"BypassSchemaDetection": false,
			"DeletedRecordsMethod": 0,
			"DeletedRecordsSQL": null,
			"CDCTokenDeletedField": "",
			"MessagingOptions": null,
			"DriveSourceSettings": null,
			"Column2TableTxSettings": null,
			"HttpSourceSettings": null,
			"BigDataSourceSettings": null,
			"JobTriggers": [],
			"JobTriggersEnabled": false,
			"CDCSettings": null,
			"DynamicParameter": null
		"SystemName": null,
		"PipelineDef": []
	"JobWriter": null

Deletes a Job Reader, Job Writer, or Direct Job. When deleting a DirectJob, only the JobReader identifier is needed. This operation does not delete the execution log of the job.

Query Parameters
string guid The job identifier
OK Success response code

DELETE /job?guid=a3ff75315a4241d1958e1f9dbd53829f

Job Output

Provides the latest, in-memory, log output for of given job. The output is limited to the last available 200 entries. For job-specific output, see job/log.


Gets the last 200 debug messages of a job given its job identifier.

Input Parameters
string guid The job identifier
object[] OutputMessage show/hide
long SequenceA session unique identifier for the message; resets to 1 when the agent restarts
string GuidThe unique identifier for the job
DateTime DateAddedDate/time when the message was recorded
string MessageThe output message
int LevelThe level of the message (0: debug, 1: info, 2: warning, 3: error)
string ExecGuidThe execution unique identifier

GET /job/output?guid=2b76c83008174135849ab0c7619a6d9e
        "Message":"Reader starting...",
        "ExecGuid": "b423b7621b2a4da1968c5372612000a6"
        "Message":"Strategy: full",
        "ExecGuid": "b423b7621b2a4da1968c5372612000a6"
        "Message":"Schema extracted successfully",
        "ExecGuid": "b423b7621b2a4da1968c5372612000a6"

Job History

Provides the execution history of a job. When the job is a Direct Job (with both a reader and writer), the response object contains a separate entry for each job, and the RecordsDirectWritten and RecordsDirectDeleted attributes on the Job Reader represent the Direct Writer's changes.
This operation does not support Dynamic Jobs.


Gets the execution history of a job.

Query Parameters
string guid The job identifier
limit Maximum number of rows to return (default: 100)
listenerType The listener type (reader, writer) (default: reader). Direct Jobs are considered reader jobs.
filter When empty or not provided (default), only returns execution history that identified or processed records, or that contain errors. When the filter is set to all, includes execution history that did not have any records identified or processed.
object[] SyncStatus show/hide

GET /job/history?guid=0c843d0f69dd4b449d3c4c43d47bf7c7
		"Guid": "0c843d0f69dd4b449d3c4c43d47bf7c7",
		"ListenerType": "reader",
		"ElapsedSQLTime": 0.0361273,
		"ElapsedMapRecudeTime": 0.1177181,
		"RecordCount": 5,
		"RecordsAvailable": 5,
		"DeleteCount": 0,
		"LastTsPointer": null,
		"LastDelTsPointer": null,
		"ErrorMessage": "",
		"Success": true,
		"JobKey": "SQL-2-SQLTest",
		"ExecutionId": "1660662334171",
		"PackageFile": "C:\\tmp\\datasync_reader\\SQL-2-SQLTest_1660662334171.eds",
		"CreatedOn": "2022-08-16T15:05:32.94",
		"IsConsumerDeamonError": false,
		"RecordsDirectWritten": 5,
		"RecordsDirectDeleted": 0,
		"ExecGuid": "b5b37cd4190d4e97a01d33e00c82fa74",
		"ExecRunTime": 4.83,
		"ExecStartTime": "2022-08-16T15:05:32.94",
		"ExecStopTime": "2022-08-16T15:05:36.77"
		"Guid": "c920da3f3cac4bb99f8cde2f8b2f231c",
		"ListenerType": "writer",
		"ElapsedSQLTime": 0.1596194,
		"ElapsedMapRecudeTime": 0.0,
		"RecordCount": 197,
		"RecordsAvailable": 197,
		"DeleteCount": 0,
		"LastTsPointer": null,
		"LastDelTsPointer": null,
		"ErrorMessage": "",
		"Success": true,
		"JobKey": "__SQL-2-SQLTest",
		"ExecutionId": "1647274246435",
		"PackageFile": "C:\\tmp\\datasync_reader\\SQL-2-SQLTest_1647274246435.eds",
		"CreatedOn": "2022-03-14T16:10:46.633",
		"IsConsumerDeamonError": false,
		"RecordsDirectWritten": 0,
		"RecordsDirectDeleted": 0,
		"ExecGuid": null,
		"ExecRunTime": -1.0,
		"ExecStartTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
		"ExecStopTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"

Jobs Info

Provides the configuration settings of a job, or all jobs, including any direct writer settings and last job status.
This operation does not support Dynamic Jobs.


Provides the configuration settings of a job.

Query Parameters
string guid The job identifier (optional)
object[] JobInfoPackage show/hide

GET /jobs/info?guid=0c843d0f69dd4b449d3c4c43d47bf7c7
Sample GET Output: Direct Job (MySQL Reader and Azure Event Hub Target)
		"Guid": "5945167f7aef40aa9c8a7873432d2ebb",
		"JobType": 1,
		"JobKey": "FILMS-AzEventHub",
		"Active": true,
		"JobReader": {
			"Guid": "5945167f7aef40aa9c8a7873432d2ebb",
			"JobKey": "FILMS-AzEventHub",
			"SqlRead": "SELECT * FROM Film LIMIT 10",
			"Path": "C:\\tmp\\datasync_reader",
			"UpsertColumns": "film_id",
			"TimestampCol": "",
			"LastTsPointer": "",
			"LastTsDelPointer": "",
			"ConnectionString": "mysql-sakila",
			"PropagateDelete": false,
			"SyncStrategy": "Full",
			"CreatedOn": "2021-10-19T18:51:12",
			"Status": "ready",
			"Initialize": false,
			"Active": true,
			"LastRunTime": "2021-11-11T18:58:14",
			"CronSchedule": "",
			"JsonData": {
				"AuditLogEnabled": true,
				"EncryptionFile": "",
				"BypassTopN": true,
				"TopNOverride": 0,
				"DirectWriter": "__FILMS-AzEventHub",
				"ExecutionTimeout": 0,
				"BypassSchemaDetection": true,
				"DeletedRecordsMethod": 0,
				"DeletedRecordsSQL": null,
				"CDCTokenDeletedField": "",
				"DriveFileFormat": "",
				"DriveFilePattern": "",
				"DriveSchemaFile": "",
				"DriveFileSelectedColumns": "",
				"DriveUpdatedFilesOnly": false,
				"DriveIncludeSubfolders": false,
				"DriveFolderColumnName": "",
				"DriveAddFolderColumn": false,
				"Column2TableTxSettings": null
			"PipelineDef": [],
			"SystemName": "MySQL",
			"IsDBSource": true,
			"IsHttpSource": false,
			"IsDriveSource": false,
			"IsQueueingSource": false,
			"JobType": 1,
			"IsDirty": false,
			"TrackLastTs": false,
			"AuditLogEnabled": true,
			"IsDirect": true
		"JobWriter": {
			"Guid": "6e3c31f6d2d94efe96283bcc30195b44",
			"JobKey": "__FILMS-AzEventHub",
			"Path": "C:\\tmp\\datasync_reader",
			"UpsertColumns": "film_id",
			"ConnectionString": "datazenhub",
			"PropagateDelete": false,
			"SourceJobKey": "FILMS-AzEventHub",
			"LastExecutionId": "1636657095008",
			"CreatedOn": "2021-10-19T18:51:12",
			"Status": "ready",
			"Active": true,
			"LastRunTime": "2021-11-11T18:58:15",
			"CronSchedule": "",
			"JsonData": null,
			"TargetSystem": "MESSAGING",
			"TargetObject": "",
			"InitialExecutionId": "",
			"UpsertScript": "{\"film_id\": {{film_id}}, \n\"title\": \"{{title}}\", \n\"description\": \"{{description}}\", \n\"release_year\": {{release_year}}, \n\"language_id\": {{language_id}}, \n\"original_language_id\": {{original_language_id}}, \n\"rental_duration\": {{rental_duration}}, \n\"rental_rate\": {{rental_rate}}, \n\"length\": {{length}}, \n\"replacement_cost\": {{replacement_cost}}, \n\"rating\": \"{{rating}}\", \n\"special_features\": \"{{special_features}}\", \n\"last_update\": \"{{last_update}}\"}",
			"DeleteScript": "",
			"LastSchemaHash": "",
			"Options": {
				"AutoRecreate": false,
				"ExecTimeout": 0,
				"BatchCount": 1000,
				"MessagingUpsertSettings": {
					"SystemType": "azeventhub",
					"SystemTypeDisplay": "Azure Event Hub",
					"EventHubName": "datazen1"
				"MessagingDeleteSettings": {
					"SystemType": "azeventhub",
					"SystemTypeDisplay": "Azure Event Hub",
					"EventHubName": ""
			"SystemName": "Generic",
			"PipelineDef": null,
			"JobType": 2,
			"IsDirty": false,
			"IsDirect": false,
			"AuditLogEnabled": false
		"LastStatus": {
			"Guid": "5945167f7aef40aa9c8a7873432d2ebb",
			"ListenerType": "reader",
			"ElapsedSQLTime": 0.0465737,
			"ElapsedMapRecudeTime": 0.0006172,
			"RecordCount": 1,
			"RecordsAvailable": 1,
			"DeleteCount": 0,
			"ErrorMessage": "",
			"Success": true,
			"JobKey": "FILMS-AzEventHub",
			"ExecutionId": "1636657095008",
			"PackageFile": "C:\\tmp\\datasync_reader\\FILMS-AzEventHub_1636657095008.eds",
			"CreatedOn": "2021-11-11T18:58:14",
			"IsConsumerDeamonError": false,
			"RecordsDirectWritten": 1,
			"RecordsDirectDeleted": 0
		"IsDirectMode": true,
		"DirectLastStatus": {
			"Guid": "6e3c31f6d2d94efe96283bcc30195b44",
			"ListenerType": "writer",
			"ElapsedSQLTime": 0.7656911,
			"ElapsedMapRecudeTime": 0.0,
			"RecordCount": 1,
			"RecordsAvailable": 1,
			"DeleteCount": 0,
			"ErrorMessage": "",
			"Success": true,
			"JobKey": "__FILMS-AzEventHub",
			"ExecutionId": "1636657095008",
			"PackageFile": "C:\\tmp\\datasync_reader\\FILMS-AzEventHub_1636657095008.eds",
			"CreatedOn": "2021-11-11T18:58:15",
			"IsConsumerDeamonError": false,
			"RecordsDirectWritten": 0,
			"RecordsDirectDeleted": 0

GET /jobs/info?guid=c920da3f3cac4bb99f8cde2f8b2f231c
Sample GET Output: Direct Job (RabbitMQ Consumer, Kafka Producer, Pipeline Tx)
		"Guid": "fd87f7b599084360a94b0d5fba2e5c5c",
		"JobType": 1,
		"JobKey": "Rabbit-Kafka",
		"Active": false,
		"JobReader": {
			"Guid": "fd87f7b599084360a94b0d5fba2e5c5c",
			"JobKey": "Rabbit-Kafka",
			"SqlRead": "",
			"Path": "C:\\tmp\\datasync_reader\\MsgConsumers",
			"UpsertColumns": "",
			"TimestampCol": "",
			"LastTsPointer": "",
			"LastTsDelPointer": "",
			"ConnectionString": "rabbitmq1",
			"PropagateDelete": false,
			"SyncStrategy": "Full",
			"CreatedOn": "2021-10-11T17:57:58",
			"Status": "ready",
			"Initialize": false,
			"Active": false,
			"LastRunTime": "2021-12-09T20:49:29",
			"CronSchedule": "",
			"JsonData": {
				"AuditLogEnabled": true,
				"BypassSchemaDetection": true,
				"DirectWriter": "__Rabbit-Kafka",
				"IsQueuingSource": true,
				"MessagingOptions": {
					"MessageProcessing": 0,
					"MessagingColumns": "",
					"MessagingFlushTTL": 1,
					"RootPath": "",
					"MessagingContentColumn": "_raw",
					"MessagingBatchEnabled": true,
					"MessagingBatchCount": 20,
					"MessagingSampleMsg": "{\"film_id\": 1, \n\"title\": \"ACADEMY DINOSAUR\", \n\"description\": \"A Epic Drama of a Feminist And a Mad Scientist who must Battle a Teacher in The Canadian Rockies\", \n\"release_year\": 2006, \n\"language_id\": 1, \n\"original_language_id\": null, \n\"rental_duration\": 6, \n\"rental_rate\": 0.99, \n\"length\": 86, \n\"replacement_cost\": 20.99, \n\"rating\": \"PG\", \n\"special_features\": \"Deleted Scenes,Behind the Scenes\", \n\"last_update\": \"2006-02-15T05:03:42.0000000\"}",
					"QueueNameOverride": "ttt",
					"MessagingGroupName": null,
					"PartitionKeys": null,
					"IncludeMetadata": true,
					"IncludeHeaders": true,
					"MetadataFields": "",
					"HeaderFields": ""
			"PipelineDef": [
					"ColumnName": "Engine",
					"DataType": "String",
					"ExpressionType": "SQL Expression (SQL Only)",
					"SQLExpression": "'DATAZEN'",
					"MaxLength": 0,
					"IgnoreIfExists": false,
					"Name": "DataDynamicColumn",
					"Disabled": false
					"Filter": "\\\"film_id\\\".+\\b\\d+.+",
					"Column": "0",
					"KeepRowOnConvertionError": false,
					"KeepRowOnNullOrEmpty": false,
					"RegexIgnoreCase": true,
					"RegexSingleLine": true,
					"FilterType": 3,
					"Name": "DataFilter",
					"Disabled": false
			"SystemName": "RabbitMQ",
			"IsDBSource": false,
			"IsHttpSource": false,
			"IsDriveSource": false,
			"IsQueueingSource": true,
			"JobType": 1,
			"IsDirty": false,
			"TrackLastTs": false,
			"AuditLogEnabled": true,
			"IsDirect": true
		"JobWriter": {
			"Guid": "9dce102385804200ac3ff1e015e8cd9a",
			"JobKey": "__Rabbit-Kafka",
			"Path": "C:\\tmp\\datasync_reader\\MsgConsumers",
			"UpsertColumns": "",
			"ConnectionString": "kafka-cloud",
			"PropagateDelete": false,
			"SourceJobKey": "Rabbit-Kafka",
			"LastExecutionId": "1636649966604",
			"CreatedOn": "2021-10-11T17:57:58",
			"Status": "ready",
			"Active": true,
			"LastRunTime": "2021-12-09T20:49:30",
			"CronSchedule": "",
			"JsonData": null,
			"TargetSystem": "MESSAGING",
			"TargetObject": "",
			"InitialExecutionId": "",
			"UpsertScript": "",
			"DeleteScript": "",
			"LastSchemaHash": "",
			"Options": {
				"AutoRecreate": false,
				"ExecTimeout": 0,
				"BatchCount": 1000,
				"MessagingUpsertSettings": {
					"SystemType": "kafka",
					"SystemTypeDisplay": "Kafka",
					"TopicName": "",
					"FieldKey": null,
					"KeyFieldSeparator": "",
					"Headers": null
				"MessagingDeleteSettings": null,
				"IsPassthroughMessaging": true,
				"ErrorHandling": {
					"ActionOnFail": 0,
					"RetryCount": 0,
					"RetryTTLSeconds": 0,
					"RetryExponential": false,
					"DeadLetterQueuePath": ""
			"SystemName": "Generic",
			"PipelineDef": null,
			"JobType": 2,
			"IsDirty": false,
			"IsDirect": false,
			"AuditLogEnabled": false
		"LastStatus": {
			"Guid": "fd87f7b599084360a94b0d5fba2e5c5c",
			"ListenerType": "reader",
			"ElapsedSQLTime": 0.0,
			"ElapsedMapRecudeTime": 0.0467424,
			"RecordCount": 1,
			"RecordsAvailable": 1,
			"DeleteCount": 0,
			"ErrorMessage": "",
			"Success": true,
			"JobKey": "Rabbit-Kafka",
			"ExecutionId": "1636649966604",
			"PackageFile": "C:\\tmp\\datasync_reader\\MsgConsumers\\Rabbit-Kafka_1636649966604.eds",
			"CreatedOn": "2021-11-11T16:59:26",
			"IsConsumerDeamonError": false,
			"RecordsDirectWritten": 1,
			"RecordsDirectDeleted": 0
		"IsDirectMode": true,
		"DirectLastStatus": {
			"Guid": "9dce102385804200ac3ff1e015e8cd9a",
			"ListenerType": "writer",
			"ElapsedSQLTime": 1.1952159,
			"ElapsedMapRecudeTime": 0.0,
			"RecordCount": 1,
			"RecordsAvailable": 1,
			"DeleteCount": 0,
			"ErrorMessage": "",
			"Success": true,
			"JobKey": "__Rabbit-Kafka",
			"ExecutionId": "1636649966604",
			"PackageFile": "C:\\tmp\\datasync_reader\\MsgConsumers\\Rabbit-Kafka_1636649966604.eds",
			"CreatedOn": "2021-11-11T16:59:26",
			"IsConsumerDeamonError": false,
			"RecordsDirectWritten": 0,
			"RecordsDirectDeleted": 0

Job Log

Provides access to a job execution output log. A job can be executed multiple times; however, each execution is assigned a unique identifier. This endpoint provides access to a specific job execution.


Returns the execution log of a job given its execution guid. An execution guid is assigned to a job when it start running. When a Direct job is executed, both the reader and writer share the same execution guid.

Query Parameters
string execguid The job execution guid (required)
object[] OutputMessage show/hide
long SequenceThe sequence number of a log entry
string GuidThe job Guid
DateTime DateAddedThe date/time of the log entry
string MessageThe log message
int LevelThe log level (0: debug, 1: info, 2: warning, 3: error)
string ExecGuidThe execution unique identifier

GET /job/log?execguid=c920da3f3cac4bb99f8cde2f8b2f231c
    "Sequence": 1,
    "Guid": "5945167f7aef40aa9c8a7873432d2ebb",
    "DateAdded": "2021-10-19T20:41:04",
    "Message": "Reader starting...",
    "Level": 0,
    "ExecGuid": "c920da3f3cac4bb99f8cde2f8b2f231c"
    "Sequence": 2,
    "Guid": "5945167f7aef40aa9c8a7873432d2ebb",
    "DateAdded": "2021-10-19T20:41:04",
    "Message": "Strategy: full",
    "Level": 0,
    "ExecGuid": "c920da3f3cac4bb99f8cde2f8b2f231c"
    "Sequence": 3,
    "Guid": "5945167f7aef40aa9c8a7873432d2ebb",
    "DateAdded": "2021-10-19T20:41:04",
    "Message": "Source data extraction starting...",
    "Level": 0,
    "ExecGuid": "c920da3f3cac4bb99f8cde2f8b2f231c"

Job Status

Returns the Job Status for a given execution id.


Returns all available jobs defined under the agent including high level summary information.
This operation does not return Dynamic Jobs.

Input Parameters
string execguid
object SyncStatus show/hide

    "SyncStatus": {
        "Guid": "9dce102385804200ac3ff1e015e8cd9a",
        "ListenerType": "reader",
        "ElapsedSQLTime": 1.1952159,
        "ElapsedMapRecudeTime": 0.0,
        "RecordCount": 1,
        "RecordsAvailable": 1,
        "DeleteCount": 0,
        "ErrorMessage": "",
        "LastTsPointer": null,
        "LastDelTsPointer": null,
        "Success": true,
        "JobKey": "TestReader",
        "ExecutionId": "1704305959599",
        "PackageFile": "C:\\tmp\\datasync_reader\\MsgConsumers\\TestReader_1704305959599.eds",
        "CreatedOn": "2024-03-01T18:19:14",
        "IsConsumerDeamonError": false,
        "RecordsDirectWritten": 0,
        "RecordsDirectDeleted": 0,
        "ExecGuid": "5d66ebae-42d8-4a0d-b0c7-c4f323a5bb63",
        "ExecRunTime": "5.00",
        "ExecStartTime": "2024-01-11T16:59:26",
        "ExecStopTime": "2024-01-11T17:00:01",

Jobs Summary

Provides summary information regarding all the jobs defined in this agent.


Returns all available jobs defined under the agent including high level summary information.
This operation does not return Dynamic Jobs.

Input Parameters
Guid The unique Guid of the job
TargetGuid The unique Guid of the target job (Direct Jobs only)
JobType 1: Job Reader, 2: Job Writer
JobKey The JobKey of the job
Active When true, the job is active and can be executed (manually or through a schedule)
IsDirectMode When true, indicates a Direct job (a reader and writer defined); when false, either a Reader or Writer is defined
Path The job path where the intermidate Sync Files will be stored
SourceSystemName The name of the source system (ex: MySQL)
TargetSystemName The name of the target system (ex: AzEventHub)
LastExecutionId The last Execution Id of the job
LastTsPointer The last High Watermark value (if any defined) for the job reader
LastTsDelPointer The last High Watermark value for Deleted records identification (if any defined)
UpsertColumns Comma-separated list of key columns, if any. If not specified, the target will use an 'append-only' mode
TimestampCol The High Watermark column name to use (if any defined) for the job reader
CreatedOn The date/time the job was created
CronSchedule The Cron schedule that defines the job frequency (if blank, the job runs manually or through a Trigger)
LastRunTime The last date/time the job was executed
Status The current status of the job (Ready, Running, Listening)
IsQueueingSource When True, the job is a Message Consumer
IsHttpSource When True, the job accesses an HTTP REST endpoint
IsDriveSource When True, the job accesses files on a Local Drive, Cloud Drive, or FTP site
IsDBSource When True, the job reads data from a database
TargetSystem The type of target system where data is being sent (Direct Jobs or Job Writers)
IsConsumerDeamonError When True, the error identified is the result of an underlying Messaging platform error
Success When True, the last job finished successfully
ErrorMessage When Success is False, contains the error message of the source system
DirectSuccess When a Direct Job, determines if the target operation was successful
DirectErrorMessage When DirectSuccess is false, contains the error message of the target system
TrackLastTs When True, indicates that the job tracks High Watermark values
ConnectionString The Connection String Key being used
SourceSystem The system name used by the Job Reader
IsCDCSource When true, the source system is a Change Data Capture stream

		"Guid": "2f7e8ec3258c456eb3ca9a9b6ef383b1",
		"TargetGuid": "71e6b0ab03a14f2dba5020e924713ea7",
		"JobType": 1,
		"JobKey": "FILMS-RabbitMQ",
		"Active": false,
		"IsDirectMode": true,
		"Path": "C:\\tmp\\films",
		"SourceSystemName": "MySQL",
		"TargetSystemName": "RabbitMQ",
		"LastExecutionId": "1636649963336",
		"LastTsPointer": "",
		"LastTsDelPointer": "",
		"UpsertColumns": "film_id",
		"TimestampCol": "",
		"CreatedOn": "2021-10-11T17:46:25",
		"CronSchedule": "0 * * ? * *",
		"LastRunTime": "2021-11-11T23:32:01",
		"Status": "ready",
		"IsQueueingSource": false,
		"IsHttpSource": false,
		"IsDriveSource": false,
		"IsDBSource": true,
		"TargetSystem": "MESSAGING",
		"IsConsumerDeamonError": false,
		"Success": true,
		"ErrorMessage": "",
		"DirectSuccess": false,
		"DirectErrorMessage": null,
		"TrackLastTs": false,
		"ConnectionString": "mysql-sakila",
		"SourceSystem": "MySQL",
		"IsCDCSource": false
		"Guid": "708f8f348a514dbbb394f95aef6f373e",
		"TargetGuid": "a71ab5bd3d324708b7c122bfecfef0b5",
		"JobType": 1,
		"JobKey": "Kafka-MSMQ",
		"Active": false,
		"IsDirectMode": true,
		"Path": "C:\\tmp",
		"SourceSystemName": "Kafka",
		"TargetSystemName": "MSMQ",
		"LastExecutionId": "1636653527797",
		"LastTsPointer": "{\"0\":3331}",
		"LastTsDelPointer": "",
		"UpsertColumns": "",
		"TimestampCol": "",
		"CreatedOn": "2021-10-14T18:51:14",
		"CronSchedule": "",
		"LastRunTime": "2021-12-09T20:49:07",
		"Status": "ready",
		"IsQueueingSource": true,
		"IsHttpSource": false,
		"IsDriveSource": false,
		"IsDBSource": false,
		"TargetSystem": "MESSAGING",
		"IsConsumerDeamonError": false,
		"Success": true,
		"ErrorMessage": "",
		"DirectSuccess": true,
		"DirectErrorMessage": "",
		"TrackLastTs": false,
		"ConnectionString": "kafka-cloud",
		"SourceSystem": "Kafka",
		"IsCDCSource": false

Job Ts Pointer

Updates a Job Reader's Timestamp pointer used to determine the next starting time window for either read or delete operations. The Timestamp window is used when a Timestamp Column is used in a Job Reader to select records from a known last High Water Mark, or when a Job Reader uses a Change Data Capture stream to identify deleted records from a source system.
This operation does not support Dynamic Jobs.


Updates the last Timestamp value of a Job Reader for either read or delete operations.

Query Parameters
string guid The job identifier
string type The type of window to modify (read, delete)
string val The new value for the time window (optional); if empty or not provided, the Timestamp is set to an empty value.
OK Success response code

POST /job/settspointer?guid=123456789&type=read

Start Job

Starts a job immediately if it is enabled (active). If the job is already running, this operation does nothing.


Start a job immediately. If the job is already running, this command is ignored and returns OK. The job must be enabled for this operation to work.
This operation does not support Dynamic Jobs.

Query Parameters
string guid The job identifier
OK Success response code

POST /job/start?guid=c920da3f3cac4bb99f8cde2f8b2f231c

Stop Job

Stops a job as soon as possible. If the job is not currently running, this operation does nothing. If the job is currently running, this operation sends cancellation requests to all pending operations and returns as soon as possible.


Stops a job.

Query Parameters
string guid The job identifier
OK Success response code

POST /job/stop?guid=c920da3f3cac4bb99f8cde2f8b2f231c

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