WMI Adapter

The Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) adapter allows you to query and manage multiple servers at the same time using SQL and REST commands.

Configuration Settings

Name Description Default
Boolean _isDefault Make this the default configuration. Defaults to true if configName is already the default.
String userName The UPN name of the user to impersonate. Leave null to use the service account Enzo runs under
String password The password of the account
String scope The scope for the service management connection (cimv2)
String domain The default domain of the management connection
Boolean enablePrivileges True to enable privileges to the WMI connection
String impersonate The Impersonation Level for the connection (default, impersonate, anonymous, delegate, identify)
String authenticationLevel The authentication level for the connection (default, connect, call, none, packet, packetintegrity, packetprivacy, unchanged)
Boolean continueOnError True to continue running the WMI query on all the other servers even if errors are thrown/reported
String defaultComputers Default list of comma-separated list of IP Addresses or Computer names to use for this definition


KillProcess Kill a process on a computer by processId details 


Name Description Default
definitionName Name of the configuration setting to use for WMI authentication
computer Name of computer. Send null to use the local computer
processID R Process ID to terminate

SQL Call

exec bsc.wmi.KillProcess null, '.', 2152

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

listBios Gets the BIOS information on the selected machine (Win32_BIOS). details 


Name Description Default
definitionName Name of the configuration setting to use for WMI authentication
computer Comma-separated list of computers. If NULL defaults to the list provided in the congfiguration, or '.' if not set

SQL Call

exec wmi.listBios null, '.'

Http Call


Output Columns

String BiosCharacteristics
String BIOSVersion
String BuildNumber
String Caption
String CodeSet
String CurrentLanguage
String Description
Int32 EmbeddedControllerMajorVersion
Int32 EmbeddedControllerMinorVersion
String IdentificationCode
Int32 InstallableLanguages
DateTime InstallDate
String LanguageEdition
String ListOfLanguages
String Manufacturer
String Name
String OtherTargetOS
Boolean PrimaryBIOS
DateTime ReleaseDate
String SerialNumber
String SMBIOSBIOSVersion
Int32 SMBIOSMajorVersion
Int32 SMBIOSMinorVersion
Boolean SMBIOSPresent
String SoftwareElementID
Int32 SoftwareElementState
String Status
Int32 SystemBiosMajorVersion
Int32 SystemBiosMinorVersion
Int32 TargetOperatingSystem
String Version
String computer
listClusterShares Gets shared cluster resources on the selected machine (Win32_ClusterShare). details 


Name Description Default
definitionName Name of the configuration setting to use for WMI authentication
computer Comma-separated list of computers. If NULL defaults to the list provided in the congfiguration, or '.' if not set

SQL Call

exec wmi.listClusterShares null, '.'
SELECT * FROM WMI.clusterShares

Http Call


Output Columns

String Caption
String Description
DateTime InstallDate
String Status
Int64 AccessMask
Boolean AllowMaximum
Int64 MaximumAllowed
String Name
String Path
Int64 Type
String ServerName
String computer
listComputerSystems Gets computer system information on the selected machine (Win32_ComputerSystem). details 


Name Description Default
definitionName Name of the configuration setting to use for WMI authentication
computer Comma-separated list of computers. If NULL defaults to the list provided in the congfiguration, or '.' if not set

SQL Call

exec wmi.listComputerSystems null, '.'
SELECT * FROM WMI.computerSystems

Http Call


Output Columns

Int32 AdminPasswordStatus
Boolean AutomaticManagedPagefile
Boolean AutomaticResetBootOption
Boolean AutomaticResetCapability
Int32 BootOptionOnLimit
Int32 BootOptionOnWatchDog
Boolean BootROMSupported
String BootupState
String BootStatus
String Caption
Int32 ChassisBootupState
String ChassisSKUNumber
String CreationClassName
Int32 CurrentTimeZone
Boolean DaylightInEffect
String Description
String DNSHostName
String Domain
Int32 DomainRole
Boolean EnableDaylightSavingsTime
Int32 FrontPanelResetStatus
Boolean HypervisorPresent
Boolean InfraredSupported
String InitialLoadInfo
DateTime InstallDate
Int32 KeyboardPasswordStatus
String LastLoadInfo
String Manufacturer
String Model
String Name
String NameFormat
Boolean NetworkServerModeEnabled
Int64 NumberOfLogicalProcessors
Int64 NumberOfProcessors
String OEMLogoBitmap
String OEMStringArray
Boolean PartOfDomain
Int64 PauseAfterReset
Int32 PCSystemType
Int32 PCSystemTypeEx
String PowerManagementCapabilities
Boolean PowerManagementSupported
Int32 PowerOnPasswordStatus
Int32 PowerState
Int32 PowerSupplyState
String PrimaryOwnerContact
String PrimaryOwnerName
Int32 ResetCapability
Int32 ResetCount
Int32 ResetLimit
String Roles
String Status
String SupportContactDescription
String SystemFamily
String SystemSKUNumber
Int32 SystemStartupDelay
String SystemStartupOptions
Int32 SystemStartupSetting
String SystemType
Int32 ThermalState
Int64 TotalPhysicalMemory
String UserName
Int32 WakeUpType
String Workgroup
String computer
listDiskPartitions List the disk partitions on the selected machine (Win32_DiskPartition). details 


Name Description Default
definitionName Name of the configuration setting to use for WMI authentication
computer Comma-separated list of computers. If NULL defaults to the list provided in the congfiguration, or '.' if not set

SQL Call

exec wmi.listDiskPartitions null, '.'
SELECT * FROM WMI.diskPartitions

Http Call


Output Columns

Int32 AdditionalAvailability
Int32 Availability
Int32 PowerManagementCapabilities
String IdentifyingDescriptions
Int64 MaxQuiesceTime
Int64 OtherIdentifyingInfo
Int32 StatusInfo
Int64 PowerOnHours
Int64 TotalPowerOnHours
Int32 Access
Int64 BlockSize
Boolean Bootable
Boolean BootPartition
String Caption
Int64 ConfigManagerErrorCode
Boolean ConfigManagerUserConfig
String CreationClassName
String Description
String DeviceID
Int64 DiskIndex
Boolean ErrorCleared
String ErrorDescription
String ErrorMethodology
Int64 HiddenSectors
Int64 Index
DateTime InstallDate
Int64 LastErrorCode
String Name
Int64 NumberOfBlocks
String PNPDeviceID
Boolean PowerManagementSupported
Boolean PrimaryPartition
String Purpose
Boolean RewritePartition
Int64 Size
Int64 StartingOffset
String Status
String SystemCreationClassName
String SystemName
String Type
String computer
listGroups List the group accounts in a domain (Win32_Group). details 


Name Description Default
definitionName Name of the configuration setting to use for WMI authentication
computer Comma-separated list of computers. If NULL defaults to the list provided in the congfiguration, or '.' if not set

SQL Call

exec wmi.listGroups null, '.'

Http Call


Output Columns

String Caption
String Description
DateTime InstallDate
String Status
Boolean LocalAccount
String SID
Int64 SIDType
String Domain
String Name
String computer
listLogicalDisks List the logical disks on the selected machine (Win32_LogicalDisk). details 


Name Description Default
definitionName Name of the configuration setting to use for WMI authentication
computer Comma-separated list of computers. If NULL defaults to the list provided in the congfiguration, or '.' if not set

SQL Call

exec wmi.listLogicalDisks null, '.'
SELECT * FROM WMI.logicalDisks

Http Call


Output Columns

Int64 Access
Int64 Availability
Int64 BlockSize
String Caption
Boolean Compressed
Int64 ConfigManagerErrorCode
Boolean ConfigManagerUserConfig
String CreationClassName
String Description
String DeviceID
Int64 DriveType
Boolean ErrorCleared
String ErrorDescription
String ErrorMethodology
String FileSystem
Int64 FreeSpace
DateTime InstallDate
Int64 LastErrorCode
Int64 MaximumComponentLength
Int64 MediaType
String Name
Int64 NumberOfBlocks
String PNPDeviceID
String PowerManagementCapabilities
Boolean PowerManagementSupported
String ProviderName
String Purpose
Boolean QuotasDisabled
Boolean QuotasIncomplete
Boolean QuotasRebuilding
Int64 Size
String Status
Int64 StatusInfo
Boolean SupportsDiskQuotas
Boolean SupportsFileBasedCompression
String SystemCreationClassName
String SystemName
Boolean VolumeDirty
String VolumeName
String VolumeSerialNumber
String computer
listNetworkAdapterConfigs List the network adapters' configuration on the selected machine (win32_networkadapterconfiguration). details 


Name Description Default
definitionName Name of the configuration setting to use for WMI authentication
computer Comma-separated list of computers. If NULL defaults to the list provided in the congfiguration, or '.' if not set

SQL Call

exec wmi.getNetworkAdapterConfigs null, '.'
SELECT * FROM WMI.NetworkAdapterConfigs

Http Call


Output Columns

String Caption
String Description
String SettingID
Boolean ArpAlwaysSourceRoute
Boolean ArpUseEtherSNAP
String DatabasePath
Boolean DeadGWDetectEnabled
String DefaultIPGateway
Int64 DefaultTOS
Int64 DefaultTTL
Boolean DHCPEnabled
DateTime DHCPLeaseExpires
DateTime DHCPLeaseObtained
String DHCPServer
String DNSDomain
String DNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder
Boolean DNSEnabledForWINSResolution
String DNSHostName
String DNSServerSearchOrder
Boolean DomainDNSRegistrationEnabled
Int64 ForwardBufferMemory
Boolean FullDNSRegistrationEnabled
String GatewayCostMetric
Int64 IGMPLevel
Int64 Index
Int64 InterfaceIndex
String IPAddress
Int64 IPConnectionMetric
Boolean IPEnabled
Boolean IPFilterSecurityEnabled
Boolean IPPortSecurityEnabled
String IPSecPermitIPProtocols
String IPSecPermitTCPPorts
String IPSecPermitUDPPorts
String IPSubnet
Boolean IPUseZeroBroadcast
String IPXAddress
Boolean IPXEnabled
String IPXFrameType
Int64 IPXMediaType
String IPXNetworkNumber
String IPXVirtualNetNumber
Int64 KeepAliveInterval
Int64 KeepAliveTime
String MACAddress
Int64 MTU
Int64 NumForwardPackets
Boolean PMTUBHDetectEnabled
Boolean PMTUDiscoveryEnabled
String ServiceName
Int64 TcpipNetbiosOptions
Int64 TcpMaxConnectRetransmissions
Int64 TcpMaxDataRetransmissions
Int64 TcpNumConnections
Boolean TcpUseRFC1122UrgentPointer
Int64 TcpWindowSize
Boolean WINSEnableLMHostsLookup
String WINSHostLookupFile
String WINSPrimaryServer
String WINSScopeID
String WINSSecondaryServer
String computer
listOperatingSystems List the operating systems on the selected machine (Win32_OperatingSystem). details 


Name Description Default
definitionName Name of the configuration setting to use for WMI authentication
computer Comma-separated list of computers. If NULL defaults to the list provided in the congfiguration, or '.' if not set

SQL Call

exec wmi.listOperatingSystems null, '.'
SELECT * FROM WMI.OperatingSystems

Http Call


Output Columns

String BootDevice
String BuildNumber
String BuildType
String Caption
String CodeSet
String CountryCode
String CreationClassName
String CSCreationClassName
String CSDVersion
String CSName
Int32 CurrentTimeZone
Boolean DataExecutionPrevention_Available
Boolean DataExecutionPrevention_32BitApplications
Boolean DataExecutionPrevention_Drivers
Int64 DataExecutionPrevention_SupportPolicy
Boolean Debug
String Description
Boolean Distributed
Int64 EncryptionLevel
Int64 ForegroundApplicationBoost
Int64 FreePhysicalMemory
Int64 FreeSpaceInPagingFiles
Int64 FreeVirtualMemory
DateTime InstallDate
Int64 LargeSystemCache
DateTime LastBootUpTime
DateTime LocalDateTime
String Locale
String Manufacturer
Int64 MaxNumberOfProcesses
Int64 MaxProcessMemorySize
String MUILanguages
String Name
Int64 NumberOfLicensedUsers
Int64 NumberOfProcesses
Int64 NumberOfUsers
Int64 OperatingSystemSKU
String Organization
String OSArchitecture
Int64 OSLanguage
Int64 OSProductSuite
Int64 OSType
String OtherTypeDescription
Boolean PAEEnabled
String PlusProductID
String PlusVersionNumber
Boolean PortableOperatingSystem
Boolean Primary
Int64 ProductType
String RegisteredUser
String SerialNumber
Int64 ServicePackMajorVersion
Int64 ServicePackMinorVersion
Int64 SizeStoredInPagingFiles
String Status
Int64 SuiteMask
String SystemDevice
String SystemDirectory
String SystemDrive
Int64 TotalSwapSpaceSize
Int64 TotalVirtualMemorySize
Int64 TotalVisibleMemorySize
String Version
String WindowsDirectory
Int64 QuantumLength
Int64 QuantumType
String computer
listPatches List the patches on the selected machine (win32_quickfixengineering). details 


Name Description Default
definitionName Name of the configuration setting to use for WMI authentication
computer Comma-separated list of computers. If NULL defaults to the list provided in the congfiguration, or '.' if not set

SQL Call

exec wmi.listPatches null, '.'

Http Call


Output Columns

String Caption
String Description
DateTime InstallDate
String Name
String Status
String CSName
String FixComments
String HotFixID
String InstalledBy
String InstalledOn
String ServicePackInEffect
String computer
listProcesses List the running processes on the selected machine (Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_Process). details 


Name Description Default
definitionName Name of the configuration setting to use for WMI authentication
computer Comma-separated list of computers. If NULL defaults to the list provided in the congfiguration, or '.' if not set

SQL Call

exec wmi.listProcesses null, '.'
SELECT * FROM WMI.processes

Http Call


Output Columns

String Caption
Int64 CreatingProcessID
String Description
Int64 ElapsedTime
Int64 Frequency_Object
Int64 Frequency_PerfTime
Int64 Frequency_Sys100NS
Int64 HandleCount
Int64 IDProcess
Int64 IODataBytesPerSec
Int64 IODataOperationsPerSec
Int64 IOOtherBytesPerSec
Int64 IOOtherOperationsPerSec
Int64 IOReadBytesPerSec
Int64 IOReadOperationsPerSec
Int64 IOWriteBytesPerSec
Int64 IOWriteOperationsPerSec
String Name
Int64 PageFaultsPerSec
Int64 PageFileBytes
Int64 PageFileBytesPeak
Int64 PercentPrivilegedTime
Int64 PercentProcessorTime
Int64 PercentUserTime
Int64 PoolNonpagedBytes
Int64 PoolPagedBytes
Int64 PriorityBase
Int64 PrivateBytes
Int64 ThreadCount
Int64 Timestamp_Object
Int64 Timestamp_PerfTime
Int64 Timestamp_Sys100NS
Int64 VirtualBytes
Int64 VirtualBytesPeak
Int64 WorkingSet
Int64 WorkingSetPeak
String computer
listProcessors List the processors on the selected machine (Win32_Processor). details 


Name Description Default
definitionName Name of the configuration setting to use for WMI authentication
computer Comma-separated list of computers. If NULL defaults to the list provided in the congfiguration, or '.' if not set

SQL Call

exec wmi.listProcessors null, '.'
SELECT * FROM WMI.processors

Http Call


Output Columns

Int64 AddressWidth
Int64 Architecture
String AssetTag
Int64 Availability
String Caption
Int64 Characteristics
Int64 ConfigManagerErrorCode
Boolean ConfigManagerUserConfig
Int64 CpuStatus
String CreationClassName
Int64 CurrentClockSpeed
Int64 CurrentVoltage
Int64 DataWidth
String Description
String DeviceID
Boolean ErrorCleared
String ErrorDescription
Int64 ExtClock
Int64 Family
DateTime InstallDate
Int64 L2CacheSize
Int64 L2CacheSpeed
Int64 L3CacheSize
Int64 L3CacheSpeed
Int64 LastErrorCode
Int64 Level
Int64 LoadPercentage
String Manufacturer
Int64 MaxClockSpeed
String Name
Int64 NumberOfCores
Int64 NumberOfEnabledCore
Int64 NumberOfLogicalProcessors
String OtherFamilyDescription
String PartNumber
String PNPDeviceID
String PowerManagementCapabilities
Boolean PowerManagementSupported
String ProcessorId
Int64 ProcessorType
Int64 Revision
String Role
Boolean SecondLevelAddressTranslationExtensions
String SerialNumber
String SocketDesignation
String Status
Int64 StatusInfo
String Stepping
String SystemCreationClassName
String SystemName
Int64 ThreadCount
String UniqueId
Int64 UpgradeMethod
String Version
Boolean VirtualizationFirmwareEnabled
Boolean VMMonitorModeExtensions
Int64 VoltageCaps
String computer
listServices List the Windows services on the selected machine (Win32_service). details 


Name Description Default
definitionName Name of the configuration setting to use for WMI authentication
computer Comma-separated list of computers. If NULL defaults to the list provided in the congfiguration, or '.' if not set

SQL Call

exec wmi.listServices null, '.'

Http Call


Output Columns

Boolean AcceptPause
Boolean AcceptStop
String Caption
Int64 CheckPoint
String CreationClassName
Boolean DelayedAutoStart
String Description
Boolean DesktopInteract
String DisplayName
String ErrorControl
Int64 ExitCode
DateTime InstallDate
String Name
String PathName
Int64 ProcessId
Int64 ServiceSpecificExitCode
String ServiceType
Boolean Started
String StartMode
String StartName
String State
String Status
String SystemCreationClassName
String SystemName
Int64 TagId
Int64 WaitHint
String computer
listShares Gets shared resources on the selected machine (Win32_Share). details 


Name Description Default
definitionName Name of the configuration setting to use for WMI authentication
computer Comma-separated list of computers. If NULL defaults to the list provided in the congfiguration, or '.' if not set

SQL Call

exec wmi.listShares null, '.'

Http Call


Output Columns

String Caption
String Description
DateTime InstallDate
String Status
Int64 AccessMask
Boolean AllowMaximum
Int64 MaximumAllowed
String Name
String Path
Int64 Type
String computer
listStatus Gets the current status of the selected machine (ping and WMI connect). details 


Name Description Default
definitionName Name of the configuration setting to use for WMI authentication
computer A single computer. Defaults to '.' if not set
pingFirst True to attempt a WMI connection only if a Ping is successful True

SQL Call

exec wmi.listStatus null, 'server1,server2'

Http Call


Output Columns

String computer
String pingStatus
String responsetime
String WMIStatus
String message
listWMIClasses List all available WMI classes on the selected machin. details 


Name Description Default
definitionName Name of the configuration setting to use for WMI authentication
computer Comma-separated list of computers. If NULL defaults to the list provided in the congfiguration, or '.' if not set

SQL Call

exec wmi.listWMIClasses null, '.'
SELECT * FROM WMI.wmiClasses

Http Call


Output Columns

String classPath
String name
String computer
listWMIFields List all available WMI classes on the selected machine. details 


Name Description Default
definitionName Name of the configuration setting to use for WMI authentication
computer A single computer. Defaults to '.' if not set
class R The name of the WMI Class to lookup

SQL Call

exec wmi.listWMIFields null, '.', 'Win32_ComputerSystem'
SELECT * FROM WMI.wmiFields WHERE class = 'Win32_ComputerSystem'

Http Call


Output Columns

String name
String datatype
query A freeform WMI query against a the selected machine. details 


Name Description Default
definitionName Name of the configuration setting to use for WMI authentication
computer Comma-separated list of computers. If NULL defaults to '.'
maxRows Maximum number of rows to return 0
textFilterColumn Text based column used for additional filtering
textFilterRegEx Regular expression against filter column

SQL Call

exec wmi.query null, '.', 100, 'select * from Win32_NTLogEvent where Logfile = ''Application'''

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

restartSvc Restart a service on the selected machine. details 


Name Description Default
computer If NULL defaults to '.'

SQL Call

exec wmi.restartSvc '.', 'Dnscache'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

startSvc Start a service on the selected machine. details 


Name Description Default
computer If NULL defaults to '.'

SQL Call

exec wmi.startSvc '.', 'Dnscache'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

stopSvc Stop a service on the selected machine. details 


Name Description Default
computer If NULL defaults to '.'

SQL Call

exec wmi.stopSvc '.', 'Dnscache'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

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