Twitter Adapter

This adapter allows you to search tweets and post a tweet directly from SQL Server databases and through REST calls.

This adapter requires registering a developer account with the Twitter service

Configuration Settings

Name Description Default
Boolean _isDefault Make this the default configuration. Defaults to true if configName is already the default.
String accessToken Your Access Token
String accessTokenSecret Your Access Token Secret
String apiSecret Your API Secret
String apiKey Your API key


GetFields List available columns for the specified resource details 


Name Description Default

SQL Call

SELECT * FROM twitter.GetFields WHERE resourceName='timeline'

Http Call


Output Columns

String Name
String MappedType
mentions Retrieves recent mentions of the current twitter account details 


Name Description Default
count The number of items to retrieve (up to 100) 10

SQL Call

SELECT * FROM twitter.mentions WHERE count = 25
EXEC twitter.mentions 25

Http Call


Output Columns

String contributors
String created_at
DateTime created_at_datetime
Int32 favorite_count
Boolean favorited
Int64 id
String id_str
String in_reply_to_screen_name
Int64 in_reply_to_status_id
String in_reply_to_status_id_str
Int64 in_reply_to_user_id
String in_reply_to_user_id_str
String lang
Int32 retweet_count
Boolean retweeted
String source
String text
Boolean truncated
postStatus Posts a twitter status to the timeline details 


Name Description Default
status R The tweet message to send
reply_to_id In response to a user handle id
lat Latitude of the tweet
long Longtitude of the tweet
place_id PlaceId of the tweet (see Twitter API for details)

SQL Call

EXEC twitter.PostStatus 'this is a tweet'

Http Call


Output Columns

String created_at
DateTime created_at_datetime
Int64 id
String id_str
String text
String source
Boolean truncated
Int64 in_reply_to_status_id
String in_reply_to_status_id_str
Int64 in_reply_to_user_id
String in_reply_to_user_id_str
String in_reply_to_screen_name
String contributors
Int32 retweet_count
Int32 favorite_count
Boolean favorited
Boolean retweeted
String lang
Resources List the objects that support Virtual Tables details 


SQL Call

SELECT Name FROM twitter.Resources

Http Call


Output Columns

String Name
search Ad-hoc search for tweets given a search criteria details 


Name Description Default
contains R A filter to use for tweets
count The number of tweets to retrieve (up to 100) 10
locale The locale to search for (us-us)
untildate A maximum date for the search
sinceid The tweet id to search from
maxid The maximum tweet id to search from
lat The latitude of the tweet, or the user's declared latitude
long The longitude of the tweet, or the user's declared longitude
radius The radius of the search
radiustype The type of radius (mi or km)

SQL Call

exec 'nasdaq', 10

Http Call


Output Columns

String created_atcreated_at
DateTime created_at_datetimecreated_at_datetime
Int64 idid
String id_strid_str
String texttext
String sourcesource
String truncatedtruncated
Int64 in_reply_to_status_idin_reply_to_status_id
Int64 in_reply_to_user_idin_reply_to_user_id
Int32 retweet_countretweet_count
Int32 favorite_countfavorite_count
String favoritedfavorited
String retweetedretweeted
String langlang
String user_is_translatoris_translator
Int64 user_idid
String user_id_strid_str
String user_namename
String user_screen_namescreen_name
String user_descriptiondescription
String user_urlurl
Int32 user_followers_countfollowers_count
Int32 user_friends_countfriends_count
Int32 user_listed_countlisted_count
String user_created_atcreated_at
Int32 user_favourites_countfavorites_count
Int32 user_utc_offsetuct_offset
String user_time_zonetime_zone
String user_geo_enabledgeo_enabled
String user_verifiedverified
Int32 user_statuses_countstatuses_count
String user_langlang
String user_contributors_enabledcontributors_enabled
String user_profile_background_colorprofile_background_color
String user_profile_background_image_urlprofile_background_image_url
String user_profile_background_image_url_httpsprofile_background_image_url_https
String user_profile_background_tileprofile_background_tile
String user_profile_image_urlprofile_image_url
String user_profile_image_url_httpsprofile_image_url_https
String user_profile_link_colorprofile_link_color
String user_profile_sidebar_border_colorprofile_sidebar_border_color
String user_profile_sidebar_fill_colorprofile_sidebar_fill_color
String user_profile_text_colorprofile_text_color
String user_profile_use_background_imageprofile_use_background_image
String user_default_profiledefault_profile
String user_default_profile_imagedefault_profile_image
String user_followingfollowing
String user_follow_request_sentfollow_request_sent
String user_notificationsnotifications
String hashtags_texthashtags_text
String urls_urlurls_url
String urls_expanded_urlexpanded_url
String urls_display_urldisplay_url
String mention_screen_namemention_screen_name
String mention_namemention_name
String mention_idmention_id
String mention_id_strmention_id_str
String coordinates_latitudecoordinates_latitude
String coordinates_longitudecoordinates_longitude
String place_idplace_id
String place_urlplace_url
String place_place_typeplace_place_type
String place_nameplace_name
String place_full_nameplace_full_name
String place_country_codeplace_country_code
String max_idmax_id
String since_idsince_id
String refresh_urlrefresh_url
String next_resultnext_result
String countcount
String completed_incompleted_in
String since_id_strsince_id_str
String queryquery
String max_id_strmax_id_str
timeline Ad-hoc search for tweets given a search criteria using a SELECT statement details 


Name Description Default
filter R A filter to use for tweets
locale The locale to search for (us-us)
untildate A maximum date for the search
sinceid The tweet id to search from
maxid The maximum tweet id to search from
lat The latitude of the tweet, or the user's declared latitude
long The longitude of the tweet, or the user's declared longitude
radius The radius of the search
radiustype The type of radius (mi or km)

SQL Call

SELECT TOP 10 FROM twitter.timeline WHERE filter = 'nasdaq'

Http Call


Output Columns

String created_atcreated_at
DateTime created_at_datetimecreated_at_datetime
Int64 idid
String id_strid_str
String texttext
String sourcesource
String truncatedtruncated
Int64 in_reply_to_status_idin_reply_to_status_id
Int64 in_reply_to_user_idin_reply_to_user_id
Int32 retweet_countretweet_count
Int32 favorite_countfavorite_count
String favoritedfavorited
String retweetedretweeted
String langlang
String user_is_translatoris_translator
Int64 user_idid
String user_id_strid_str
String user_namename
String user_screen_namescreen_name
String user_descriptiondescription
String user_urlurl
Int32 user_followers_countfollowers_count
Int32 user_friends_countfriends_count
Int32 user_listed_countlisted_count
String user_created_atcreated_at
Int32 user_favourites_countfavorites_count
Int32 user_utc_offsetuct_offset
String user_time_zonetime_zone
String user_geo_enabledgeo_enabled
String user_verifiedverified
Int32 user_statuses_countstatuses_count
String user_langlang
String user_contributors_enabledcontributors_enabled
String user_profile_background_colorprofile_background_color
String user_profile_background_image_urlprofile_background_image_url
String user_profile_background_image_url_httpsprofile_background_image_url_https
String user_profile_background_tileprofile_background_tile
String user_profile_image_urlprofile_image_url
String user_profile_image_url_httpsprofile_image_url_https
String user_profile_link_colorprofile_link_color
String user_profile_sidebar_border_colorprofile_sidebar_border_color
String user_profile_sidebar_fill_colorprofile_sidebar_fill_color
String user_profile_text_colorprofile_text_color
String user_profile_use_background_imageprofile_use_background_image
String user_default_profiledefault_profile
String user_default_profile_imagedefault_profile_image
String user_followingfollowing
String user_follow_request_sentfollow_request_sent
String user_notificationsnotifications
String hashtags_texthashtags_text
String urls_urlurls_url
String urls_expanded_urlexpanded_url
String urls_display_urldisplay_url
String mention_screen_namemention_screen_name
String mention_namemention_name
String mention_idmention_id
String mention_id_strmention_id_str
String coordinates_latitudecoordinates_latitude
String coordinates_longitudecoordinates_longitude
String place_idplace_id
String place_urlplace_url
String place_place_typeplace_place_type
String place_nameplace_name
String place_full_nameplace_full_name
String place_country_codeplace_country_code
String max_idmax_id
String since_idsince_id
String refresh_urlrefresh_url
String next_resultnext_result
String countcount
String completed_incompleted_in
String since_id_strsince_id_str
String queryquery
String max_id_strmax_id_str

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