Pressero Adapter

This adapter allows you to access the Pressero service using SQL and REST commands.

This adapter requires an account with the Pressero service

Configuration Settings

Name Description Default
Boolean _isDefault Make this the default configuration. Defaults to true if configName is already the default.
String Url Web service URL
String UserName Login used for authentication
String Password Password used for authentication
String SubscriberId Identifier used for authentication
String ConsumerId Identifier used for authentication
Int32 PageSize Number of entries to retrieve for each web service call 2000
String apiVersion Pressero API version
String companyDomain Domain name for your company assigned by Pressero


Create an address in the Addressbook for the passed UserId details 


Name Description Default
UserId R
Business R The company name
FirstName The owner first name
LastName The owner last name
Title The address title
Address1 R Enter the address for the location (Line 1)
Address2 Enter the address for the location (Line 2)
Address3 Enter the address for the location (Line 3)
City R Enter the city for this location
StateProvince R Enter the State or Province
Postal R Enter the postal code(Important information for integrated shipping sites)
Country R Enter the Country
Phone Company phone number
Fax Company fax number
Email Company email

SQL Call

exec bsc.Pressero.CreateAddress out @addressId, 'UserId'
insert Pressero.Address ( UserId, ...) values ( 'UserId', ...)

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

Create a new product details 


Name Description Default
ProductInfo_ProductName R This provides a simple url for the product. (example: "Booklets" will have an actual url of
ProductInfo_PublicPartNum R This is the part number that will display on the product detail page and be included in the order summary and order history that your customer has access to
ProductInfo_PrintersPartNum R This is an internal part number that will not be shown in the site
ProductInfo_MisId If you will be integrating with a third party system, that system may require that you provide a value from that system for this product
ProductInfo_ShortDescription The Short Description will display under the product name in the product selection page.
ProductInfo_LongDescription R The Long Description will display on the product detail page when the product is selected.
ProductInfo_UploadFields Enter an Upload Field Prompt (e.g., Add File, or Attach Artwork, or Provide Fonts, etc.). Repeat this process to add additional file upload fields
ProductInfo_IsFeature This is true by default. Each of the skins offered in the Pressero system has an area that will display and rotate featured products.
ProductInfo_ShowShippingEstimator This is true by default. By checking this option the product detail page will show a shipping estimator for the buyer.
ProductInfo_EnablePdfProof R Choose this option if you want the user (or an approval user) to be able to download a proof PDF of the customized eDocBuilder product after checkout False
ProductInfo_ProductExpirationDateoptional If you would like this product to become unavailable at a certain date enter that here.
ProductInfo_eDocBuilderCaptureInfooptional To enable the use of eDoc integration
ProductInfo_AcceptanceText This is the text that will display to the customer when you choose to use the "I accept" requirement explained above.
ProductInfo_AcceptanceControl You may force your customer to respond to some important information before proceeding with the order. Options avaliable: TEXTBOX, CHECKBOX, NONE.
ProductInfo_eDocBuilderInstructions Special instructions to disply to your customer for this eDoc template are entered here.
ProductInfo_eDocBuilderApprovalText Enter the approval text you want to display to the buyer before they can add the template to the shopping cart
ProductInfo_ProductLocationNotes Physical location information of this product
ProductInfo_VendorId Any orders for this product will be submitted to the vendor that you informed here.
ProductInfo_IsDigitalOnly Choose this option when the eDocBuilder product will be digitally delivered and not printed and shipped
ProductInfo_UrlName Unique name for the Url
ProductInfo_HeadHtml Text entered here will be added to the end of the title of all content pages for the site. (B2C and Informational)
ProductInfo_FormId As a review, forms can be used on a custom page, a checkout page, and also on a product page you assign in this area.You can add one form to a product page.
ProductInfo_eDocCode The eDoc template to be used
ProductInfo_CalcShowPricePerPiece If this item is true an "each" price will display below the product total price. This is calculated by dividing the total by the quantity chosen
ProductInfo_FileUploadRequired If the product requires that they upload a file set this true, the upload will be optional if false
ProductInfo_MinPrice Set a minimum price for this product.No need to include a currency symbol, as this will automatcially be handled by the culture setting for the site
ProductInfo_StockId Inventory is set up in Admin > Sites > Choose Site > Inventory.Set the ID of the stock item that this product will use.
ProductInfo_IsBackOrderingAllowed Allow the user to order items not avaliable right now
ProductInfo_DaysToShipInStock Used to determine the earliest possible date that a product can be shipped.
ProductInfo_DaysToShipOutStock Used to determine the earliest possible date that a product can be shipped.
ProductInfo_Folding Folding instructions
ProductInfo_Finishing Finishing instructions
ProductInfo_Binding Biding instructions
ProductInfo_Packagingoptional Packaging instructions
ProductInfo_VendorInstructions If you assign this product to a vendor you can include specific instructions about this product to them in the dashboard they work from.
ProductInfo_MinQty Enter the minimum quantity for this quantity parameter. To allow the pricing engine itself to dictate the minimum, leave the text box empty.
ProductInfo_MaxQtyoptional Enter the maximum quantity for this quantity parameter. To allow the pricing engine itself to dictate the maximum, leave the text box empty.
ProductInfo_ShowEdocProofInCart Choose this option when you want the user to see the customized proof image (instead of the standard product icon) to appear in the following locations: Shopping cart, Email notifications, Order history, Order reports.
ProductInfo_CalculatorAllowArbQty1 If true, this replaces the standard pulldown menu and allows the user to enter any quantity they wish in a text box instead.
ProductInfo_CalculatorAllowArbQty2 If true, this replaces the standard pulldown menu and allows the user to enter any quantity they wish in a text box instead.
ProductInfo_CalculatorAllowArbQty3 If true, this replaces the standard pulldown menu and allows the user to enter any quantity they wish in a text box instead.
ProductInfo_CalculatorAllowArbQty4optional If true, this replaces the standard pulldown menu and allows the user to enter any quantity they wish in a text box instead.
ProductInfo_CalculatorAllowArbQty If true, this replaces the standard pulldown menu and allows the user to enter any quantity they wish in a text box instead.
ProductInfo_CalculatorAllowDecimal1o Enable or disable decimals to the qty parameter.
ProductInfo_CalculatorAllowDecimal2 Enable or disable decimals to the qty parameter.
ProductInfo_CalculatorAllowDecimal3 Enable or disable decimals to the qty parameter.
ProductInfo_CalculatorAllowDecimal4 Enable or disable decimals to the qty parameter.
ProductInfo_CalculatorAllowDecimal5 Enable or disable decimals to the qty parameter.
ProductInfo_MinQty1 Enter the minimum quantity for this quantity parameter.To allow the pricing engine itself to dictate the minimum, leave the text box empty.
ProductInfo_MinQty2 Enter the minimum quantity for this quantity parameter. To allow the pricing engine itself to dictate the minimum, leave the text box empty.
ProductInfo_MinQty3 Enter the minimum quantity for this quantity parameter. To allow the pricing engine itself to dictate the minimum, leave the text box empty.
ProductInfo_MinQty4 Enter the minimum quantity for this quantity parameter. To allow the pricing engine itself to dictate the minimum, leave the text box empty.
ProductInfo_MinQty5 Enter the minimum quantity for this quantity parameter. To allow the pricing engine itself to dictate the minimum, leave the text box empty.
ProductInfo_MaxQty1 Enter the maximum quantity for this quantity parameter. To allow the pricing engine itself to dictate the maximum, leave the text box empty.
ProductInfo_MaxQty2 Enter the maximum quantity for this quantity parameter. To allow the pricing engine itself to dictate the maximum, leave the text box empty.
ProductInfo_MaxQty3 Enter the maximum quantity for this quantity parameter. To allow the pricing engine itself to dictate the maximum, leave the text box empty.
ProductInfo_MaxQty4 Enter the maximum quantity for this quantity parameter. To allow the pricing engine itself to dictate the maximum, leave the text box empty.
ProductInfo_MaxQty5 Enter the maximum quantity for this quantity parameter. To allow the pricing engine itself to dictate the maximum, leave the text box empty.
ProductInfo_DecPlaces1 Enter the number of decimal places allowed for each of the quantity parameters.For example, to allow up to 2 decimal places in Q1
ProductInfo_DecPlaces2 Enter the number of decimal places allowed for each of the quantity parameters.For example, to allow up to 2 decimal places in Q2
ProductInfo_DecPlaces3 Enter the number of decimal places allowed for each of the quantity parameters.For example, to allow up to 2 decimal places in Q3
ProductInfo_DecPlaces4 Enter the number of decimal places allowed for each of the quantity parameters.For example, to allow up to 2 decimal places in Q4
ProductInfo_DecPlaces5 Enter the number of decimal places allowed for each of the quantity parameters.For example, to allow up to 2 decimal places in Q5
ProductInfo_OverrideTax If a tax amount is entered here, it will override all other sales tax calculations for orders of this particular product.Enter the override sales tax as a percentage number.
ProductInfo_VDPTech This feature is for products using a file upload on the product detail page, or within eDocBuilder.You may wish to have the quantity changed or locked, depending on a file the user uploads as part of ordering this product.
ProductInfo_MustShipSeparately If true you want the shipping charges to be calculated with the intent that the product will ship separately from other items in the shopping cart, even when going to the same shipping address.
ProductInfo_SortOrder To change how this product appears in the sort order of any category it is assigned to, enter a number here
ProductInfo_EnableQuickView If enabled, your customer will see a link through the product icon to view and order the product in a pop up window.
ProductInfo_TeaserPrice This area allows you to display a message telling the buyer what the lowest pricing for the product starts at
ProductInfo_VendorGetsNonMarkupPrice If you assign this product to an outside vendor you can either leave the pricing information off the dashboard they work from, or by check this option, the vendor will see the cost of the order before any markups have occurred
ProductInfo_ShowScaledPreview If true, then when a file is uploaded, it will be scaled without distortion to fit the page size given here.If not checked, the preview will be stretched to match the page size exactly.
ProductInfo_IsPrintEstimate Set True if you would like your buyer to be able to print an estimate of the product cost and options they selected
ProductInfo_PrintEstimatePromoText This text area allows you to add additional information to the estimate that will print
ProductInfo_IsUseOpenFrame When you turn on the Pressero OpenFrame option for a product, it allows a page from a 3rd party website to be shown inside an iFrame on the product detail page
ProductInfo_OpenframeUrl The url that your 3rd party software or service vendor will provide. This URL will be used for the "src" attribute of the iFrame.
ProductInfo_KitOptionsPerKitWeight Use this to add additional shipping weight, the default will be set to 0.
ProductInfo_KitOptionsMinQty The minimum number of kits that can be ordered.The minimum for this field is one.
ProductInfo_KitOptionsMaxQty The maximum number of kits that can be ordered.Leaving this field blank will set the maximum to an unlimited number of kits
ProductInfo_KitOptionsSetupFee This fee will be added to the order item for this kit regardless of quantity selected.
ProductInfo_KitOptionsPerKitFee An additional charge added per each kit
ProductInfo_KitOptionsPrompt Change the default prompt text that will appear on the product detail page by entering an alternative prompt here
ProductInfo_EDocCustomizeButtonText The text you enter here will appear on the button the user clicks to be redirected from the product detail page to the eDocBuilder customization area
ImageUrl R The address where the product image is avaliable.It's not possible to upload image throught the API, but the system will download the image from the link provided and show it on the product page.
Categories Pipe delimited list of Categories. A Category may be in the form of a Guid or a name/description where name and description are specrated by a comma. For example: '9452A178-226F-4A54-B4EA-CDF4A76FC853|MyCat,MyCat description|...'. You have a choice as to where a Product will display in the storefront, either on the Home page(a.k.a. "root"), or on a product Category page. When you create a Product, your choices are to assign it to a Category, or to the "root" page, or both. You can assign a Product to one or more Categories.
AllowedGroups Pipe delimited list of AllowedGroups. An AllowedGroup may be in the form of a Guid or a name/description where name and description are specrated by a comma. For example: '9452A178-226F-4A54-B4EA-CDF4A76FC853|MyGrp,MyGrp description|...'. One of the features of Pressero is the ability to limit products to be seen only by specific people.
Attributes Pipe delimited list of Attributes. An Attribute may be in the form of a Guid or a name/description where name and description are specrated by a comma. For example: '9452A178-226F-4A54-B4EA-CDF4A76FC853|MyAttr,MyAttr description|...'. Product attributes allow you to "tag" a product in a store so that additional information about the product can be known and included on reports.

SQL Call

exec bsc.Pressero.CreateProduct 'test'
insert bsc.Pressero.Product ( ProductName, ...) values ( 'test', ...)

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

Create a new user details 


Name Description Default
Email R
FirstName R
MiddleName R
LastName R
TZ User's time zone, if no information is provided the default value will be used
Login R
NewPassword R
MisId The user Integration ID
ReceiveNotifications The Pressero system will generate email notifications from the system when certain events happen False
ReceiveAllNotifications The Pressero system will generate email notifications from the system when certain events happen False
GroupIds A list of zero or more comma separated Groups (GUIDs) that the user will be part of
UserSite_CanViewPricing If the user can see or not the Pricing True
UserSite_IsTaxExempt Indicate if the user has tax exemption False
UserSite_TaxId The user Tax ID
UserSite_CapturePurchaseOrder You may choose to require a purchase order entry on the checkout page, make it optional, or not even ask. Possible values 0 For no, 1 for option, 2 for required, 3 Use site settings (Default 0)
UserSiteCust_IsApproved Indicates if the user is approved or not False
UserSiteCust_IsShared Indicates if the user account is shared with multiple users False
UserSiteCust_DefaultPONumber Default Purchase order number to be displayed on the checkout screen
UserSiteCust_LocationId The user's Location ID GUID (Existing Location)
UserSiteCust_BossUserId The user's Boss ID
UserSiteCust_DepartmentName User's department name
UserSiteCust_ApprovalGroupId User's Approval Group ID
UserSiteCust_ApprovalGroup User's Approval Goup
UserSiteCust_ApprovalPlanId User's Approval Plan ID
sendAccountCreationNotification False

SQL Call

exec BSC.Pressero.CreateUser 'test', ...
INSERT BSC.Pressero.CreateUser (Email, ...) values (...)

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

Delete a user details 


Name Description Default
UserId R
AddressId R

SQL Call

exec BSC.Pressero.DeleteAddress '123-3ab57be3-...', '456-3ab57be3-...'
delete from BSC.Pressero.Address where UserId = '123-3ab57be3-...' and AddressId = '456-3ab57be3-...'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

Delete a product details 


Name Description Default
ProductId R

SQL Call

exec BSC.Pressero.DeleteProduct '123-3ab57be3-...'
delete from BSC.Pressero.Product where ProductId = '123-3ab57be3-...'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

Delete a user details 


Name Description Default
UserId R

SQL Call

exec BSC.Pressero.DeleteUser '123-3ab57be3-...'
delete from BSC.Pressero.Users where UserId = '123-a57e3-...'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

List the addresses in the AddressBook for the user details 


Name Description Default
UserId R
_maxrows Maximum number of rows to return 2000

SQL Call

exec bsc.Pressero.ListAddresses 'UserId'
select * from Pressero.Addresses where UserId = 'UserId'

Http Call


Output Columns

Object UserId
Object AddressId
String Business
String FirstName
String LastName
String Title
String Address1
String Address2
String Address3
String City
String StateProvince
String Postal
String Country
String Phone
String Fax
String Email
String DefaultShipMethod
String raw
Return all attributes details 


Name Description Default
includeDeleted Indicates if deleted categories should be listed False
_maxrows Maximum number of rows to return 2000

SQL Call

exec bsc.Pressero.ListAttributes
select * from Pressero.Attributes

Http Call


Output Columns

Object SubscriberId
Object AttributeId
String AttributeName
String raw
Boolean includeDeleted
Return all categories details 


Name Description Default
includeDeleted Indicates if deleted categories should be listed False
_maxrows Maximum number of rows to return 2000

SQL Call

exec bsc.Pressero.ListCategories
select * from Pressero.Categories

Http Call


Output Columns

Object CategoryId
Boolean IsActive
String CategoryName
String UrlName
String ParentCategoryUrl
String raw
Boolean includeDeleted
Return all admin groups details 


Name Description Default
includeDeleted Indicates if deleted categories should be listed False
_maxrows Maximum number of rows to return 2000

SQL Call

exec bsc.Pressero.ListGroups
select * from Pressero.Groups

Http Call


Output Columns

Object GroupId
Object SubscriberId
Object SiteId
String GroupName
String Description
String raw
Boolean includeDeleted
List the order items using a set of parameters details 


Name Description Default
StartDate Interval start date
EndDate Interval end date (The application will return an error 400 if the interval exceeds 3 Months)
_maxrows Maximum number of rows to return 2000

SQL Call

exec bsc.Pressero.ListOrders '2019-10-01', null, 100
select top 10 * from Pressero.Orders where StartDate = '2019-10-01'

Http Call


Output Columns

String SubscriberId
String SubscriberName
String SubscriberCulture
String OrderId
String OrderItemId
Int32 OrderNumber
Int32 OrderItemNumber
String ReOrderItemId
Boolean ReOrderWithChanges
Boolean ReOrderWithFileChanges
String ItemName
String JobNumber
String EDocSession
DateTime OrderDate
Int32 OrderDay
Int32 OrderMonth
Int32 OrderYear
String SiteId
String SiteName
String SiteMISID
String SiteCulture
String Domain
String SalesRepId
String SalesRepFirstName
String SalesRepLastName
String SalesRepEmail
String ProductId
String ProductName
String ProductMISID
String UserMISID
String OrderItemMISID
String OrderItemOptionsText
Int32 Quantity
Int32 UOMQuantity
Int32 TotalQuantity
Decimal NonMarkupPrice
Decimal Price
Decimal Shipping
String OrderedById
String OrderedByFirstName
String OrderedByLastName
String OrderedByEmail
String OrderedByDepartment
String PONumber
DateTime RequestedShipDate
String ShippingMethodId
String ShippingMethod
DateTime ShipmentDate
String ShipmentTracking
Decimal ShipmentCost
String BillTo
String BillToFirstName
String BillToLastName
String BillToBusiness
String BillToAddress1
String BillToAddress2
String BillToAddress3
String BillToCity
String BillToPostal
String BilltoStateProvince
String BillToCountry
String BillToPhone
String BillToFax
String BillToEmail
String BillToLocationCode
String BilltoLocationGenInfo
String ShipTo
String ShipToFirstName
String ShipToLastName
String ShipToBusiness
String ShipToAddress1
String ShipToAddress2
String ShipToAddress3
String ShipToCity
String ShipToPostal
String ShipToCountry
String ShiptoStateProvince
String ShipToPhone
String ShipToFax
String ShipToEmail
String ShipToLocationCode
String ShiptoLocationGenInfo
String LocationId
String LocationName
String LocationAddress1
String LocationAddress2
String LocationAddress3
String LocationCity
String LocationPostal
String LocationCountry
String LocationPhone
String LocationFax
String LocationEmail
String WorkflowId
String WorkflowName
String WorkflowStageId
Int32 WorkflowStageNumber
Int32 WorkflowProgress
DateTime WorkflowStageDate
String WorkflowStagePrinter
String WorkflowStageCustomer
String WorkflowStageUserId
String WorkflowStageUserFirstName
String WorkflowStageUserLastName
String WorkflowStageNotes
String VendorId
String VendorName
Boolean IsPaid
Boolean IsOpenTerms
Boolean IsApproved
Boolean IsDenied
Boolean IsApprovedWithModifications
Decimal OrderSubtotal
Decimal OrderShipping
Decimal OrderTax
Decimal OrderDiscount
Decimal OrderTotal
Decimal ItemTax
String TaxId
DateTime ProjectedShipDate
Decimal VAT
String OrderPromoCode
String OrderPromoName
String OrderPromoText
String ItemPromoCode
String ItemPromoName
String ItemPromoText
String ItemWeight
String ItemBinding
String ItemFolding
String ItemFinishing
String ItemPackaging
String ItemNotes
String PrinterPartNumber
String ClientPartNumber
String ItemStock
String ItemInk
String ProductAttributeName1
String ProductAttributeValue1
String ProductAttributeName2
String ProductAttributeValue2
String ProductAttributeName3
String ProductAttributeValue3
String ProductAttributeName4
String ProductAttributeValue4
String ProductAttributeName5
String ProductAttributeValue5
String ProductAttributeName6
String ProductAttributeValue6
String ProductAttributeName7
String ProductAttributeValue7
String ProductAttributeName8
String ProductAttributeValue8
String ProductAttributeName9
String ProductAttributeValue9
String ProductAttributeName10
String ProductAttributeValue10
String ProductFormField1
String ProductFormValue1
String ProductFormField2
String ProductFormValue2
String ProductFormField3
String ProductFormValue3
String ProductFormField4
String ProductFormValue4
String ProductFormField5
String ProductFormValue5
String ProductFormField6
String ProductFormValue6
String ProductFormField7
String ProductFormValue7
String ProductFormField8
String ProductFormValue8
String ProductFormField9
String ProductFormValue9
String ProductFormField10
String ProductFormValue10
String CheckoutFormField1
String CheckoutFormValue1
String CheckoutFormField2
String CheckoutFormValue2
String CheckoutFormField3
String CheckoutFormValue3
String CheckoutFormField4
String CheckoutFormValue4
String CheckoutFormField5
String CheckoutFormValue5
String CheckoutFormField6
String CheckoutFormValue6
String CheckoutFormField7
String CheckoutFormValue7
String CheckoutFormField8
String CheckoutFormValue8
String CheckoutFormField9
String CheckoutFormValue9
String CheckoutFormField10
String CheckoutFormValue10
String ApprovedBy
DateTime ApprovedDate
String BudgetCode
String OrderedByMiddleName
String OrderedByCellPhone
String ReorderFrom
String Commentsorotherinformationaboutthisorder
String AdditionalInstructions
String PaymentMethodName
String PaymentMethodType
String TransactionID
String ProductLocationNotes
String FormattedOrderDate
String FormattedFullOrderDate
String FormattedProjectedShipDate
String FormattedShipmentDate
String FormattedFullProjectedShipDate
String FormattedRequestedShipDate
String FormattedFullRequestedShipDate
String FormattedWorkflowStageDate
String FormattedBillingAddress
String FormattedNonMarkupPrice
String FormattedPrice
String FormattedShipping
String FormattedItemTax
String raw
DateTime StartDate
DateTime EndDate
Get a list of products details 


Name Description Default
ProductId Product unique id.
includeDeleted Indicates if deleted categories should be listed False
_maxrows Maximum number of rows to return 2000

SQL Call

exec bsc.Pressero.ListProducts 'test'
select * from Pressero.Products where ProductName = 'test'

Http Call


Output Columns

Object ProductIdProduct unique id.
String ProductNameThis provides a simple url for the product. (example: "Booklets" will have an actual url of
String UrlNameUnique name for the Url
String PublicPartNumberThis is the part number that will display on the product detail page and be included in the order summary and order history that your customer has access to
String PrintersPartNumberThis is an internal part number that will not be shown in the site
String SiteNameWeb site name
String SiteDomainYour Pressero site domain
Object SiteIDYour unique site ID
Boolean IsActiveProduct is active
String raw
Boolean includeDeleted
Search for users using a set of parameters details 


Name Description Default
includeDeleted Indicates if deleted users should be listed True
Boss User's Boss name
search Additional search criteria
_maxrows Maximum number of rows to return 2000

SQL Call

exec bsc.Pressero.ListUsers 'test'
select * from Pressero.Users where arg1 = 'test'

Http Call


Output Columns

Object UserId
Object SubscriberId
Object SiteId
String Email
String Login
String FirstName
String MiddleName
String LastName
DateTime CreatedDate
DateTime LastLoginDate
DateTime LastOrderDate
Boolean IsActive
String ImpersonatePassword
Boolean IsGuestUser
Boolean IsSharedUSer
String FullName
String UserName
String raw
String search
Update an address in the Addressbook for the passed UserId details 


Name Description Default
UserId R
AddressId ru
Business R The company name
FirstName The owner first name
LastName The owner last name
Title The address title
Address1 R Enter the address for the location (Line 1)
Address2 Enter the address for the location (Line 2)
Address3 Enter the address for the location (Line 3)
City R Enter the city for this location
StateProvince R Enter the State or Province
Postal R Enter the postal code(Important information for integrated shipping sites)
Country R Enter the Country
Phone Company phone number
Fax Company fax number
Email Company email

SQL Call

exec bsc.Pressero.UpdateAddress out @addressId, 'UserId'
update Pressero.Address set Business = 'Acme Ltd', ... where UserId = 'UserId' and AddressId = 'AddressId'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

Update a product details 


Name Description Default
ProductId R
ProductInfo_ProductName This provides a simple url for the product. (example: "Booklets" will have an actual url of
ProductInfo_PublicPartNum This is the part number that will display on the product detail page and be included in the order summary and order history that your customer has access to
ProductInfo_PrintersPartNum This is an internal part number that will not be shown in the site
ProductInfo_MisId If you will be integrating with a third party system, that system may require that you provide a value from that system for this product
ProductInfo_ShortDescription The Short Description will display under the product name in the product selection page.
ProductInfo_LongDescription The Long Description will display on the product detail page when the product is selected.
ProductInfo_UploadFields Enter an Upload Field Prompt (e.g., Add File, or Attach Artwork, or Provide Fonts, etc.). Repeat this process to add additional file upload fields
ProductInfo_IsFeature This is true by default. Each of the skins offered in the Pressero system has an area that will display and rotate featured products.
ProductInfo_ShowShippingEstimator This is true by default. By checking this option the product detail page will show a shipping estimator for the buyer.
ProductInfo_EnablePdfProof Choose this option if you want the user (or an approval user) to be able to download a proof PDF of the customized eDocBuilder product after checkout
ProductInfo_ProductExpirationDateoptional If you would like this product to become unavailable at a certain date enter that here.
ProductInfo_eDocBuilderCaptureInfooptional To enable the use of eDoc integration
ProductInfo_AcceptanceText This is the text that will display to the customer when you choose to use the "I accept" requirement explained above.
ProductInfo_AcceptanceControl You may force your customer to respond to some important information before proceeding with the order. Options avaliable: TEXTBOX, CHECKBOX, NONE.
ProductInfo_eDocBuilderInstructions Special instructions to disply to your customer for this eDoc template are entered here.
ProductInfo_eDocBuilderApprovalText Enter the approval text you want to display to the buyer before they can add the template to the shopping cart
ProductInfo_ProductLocationNotes Physical location information of this product
ProductInfo_VendorId Any orders for this product will be submitted to the vendor that you informed here.
ProductInfo_IsDigitalOnly Choose this option when the eDocBuilder product will be digitally delivered and not printed and shipped
ProductInfo_UrlName Unique name for the Url
ProductInfo_HeadHtml Text entered here will be added to the end of the title of all content pages for the site. (B2C and Informational)
ProductInfo_FormId As a review, forms can be used on a custom page, a checkout page, and also on a product page you assign in this area.You can add one form to a product page.
ProductInfo_eDocCode The eDoc template to be used
ProductInfo_CalcShowPricePerPiece If this item is true an "each" price will display below the product total price. This is calculated by dividing the total by the quantity chosen
ProductInfo_FileUploadRequired If the product requires that they upload a file set this true, the upload will be optional if false
ProductInfo_MinPrice Set a minimum price for this product.No need to include a currency symbol, as this will automatcially be handled by the culture setting for the site
ProductInfo_StockId Inventory is set up in Admin > Sites > Choose Site > Inventory.Set the ID of the stock item that this product will use.
ProductInfo_IsBackOrderingAllowed Allow the user to order items not avaliable right now
ProductInfo_DaysToShipInStock Used to determine the earliest possible date that a product can be shipped.
ProductInfo_DaysToShipOutStock Used to determine the earliest possible date that a product can be shipped.
ProductInfo_Folding Folding instructions
ProductInfo_Finishing Finishing instructions
ProductInfo_Binding Biding instructions
ProductInfo_Packagingoptional Packaging instructions
ProductInfo_VendorInstructions If you assign this product to a vendor you can include specific instructions about this product to them in the dashboard they work from.
ProductInfo_MinQty Enter the minimum quantity for this quantity parameter. To allow the pricing engine itself to dictate the minimum, leave the text box empty.
ProductInfo_MaxQtyoptional Enter the maximum quantity for this quantity parameter. To allow the pricing engine itself to dictate the maximum, leave the text box empty.
ProductInfo_ShowEdocProofInCart Choose this option when you want the user to see the customized proof image (instead of the standard product icon) to appear in the following locations: Shopping cart, Email notifications, Order history, Order reports.
ProductInfo_CalculatorAllowArbQty1 If true, this replaces the standard pulldown menu and allows the user to enter any quantity they wish in a text box instead.
ProductInfo_CalculatorAllowArbQty2 If true, this replaces the standard pulldown menu and allows the user to enter any quantity they wish in a text box instead.
ProductInfo_CalculatorAllowArbQty3 If true, this replaces the standard pulldown menu and allows the user to enter any quantity they wish in a text box instead.
ProductInfo_CalculatorAllowArbQty4optional If true, this replaces the standard pulldown menu and allows the user to enter any quantity they wish in a text box instead.
ProductInfo_CalculatorAllowArbQty If true, this replaces the standard pulldown menu and allows the user to enter any quantity they wish in a text box instead.
ProductInfo_CalculatorAllowDecimal1o Enable or disable decimals to the qty parameter.
ProductInfo_CalculatorAllowDecimal2 Enable or disable decimals to the qty parameter.
ProductInfo_CalculatorAllowDecimal3 Enable or disable decimals to the qty parameter.
ProductInfo_CalculatorAllowDecimal4 Enable or disable decimals to the qty parameter.
ProductInfo_CalculatorAllowDecimal5 Enable or disable decimals to the qty parameter.
ProductInfo_MinQty1 Enter the minimum quantity for this quantity parameter.To allow the pricing engine itself to dictate the minimum, leave the text box empty.
ProductInfo_MinQty2 Enter the minimum quantity for this quantity parameter. To allow the pricing engine itself to dictate the minimum, leave the text box empty.
ProductInfo_MinQty3 Enter the minimum quantity for this quantity parameter. To allow the pricing engine itself to dictate the minimum, leave the text box empty.
ProductInfo_MinQty4 Enter the minimum quantity for this quantity parameter. To allow the pricing engine itself to dictate the minimum, leave the text box empty.
ProductInfo_MinQty5 Enter the minimum quantity for this quantity parameter. To allow the pricing engine itself to dictate the minimum, leave the text box empty.
ProductInfo_MaxQty1 Enter the maximum quantity for this quantity parameter. To allow the pricing engine itself to dictate the maximum, leave the text box empty.
ProductInfo_MaxQty2 Enter the maximum quantity for this quantity parameter. To allow the pricing engine itself to dictate the maximum, leave the text box empty.
ProductInfo_MaxQty3 Enter the maximum quantity for this quantity parameter. To allow the pricing engine itself to dictate the maximum, leave the text box empty.
ProductInfo_MaxQty4 Enter the maximum quantity for this quantity parameter. To allow the pricing engine itself to dictate the maximum, leave the text box empty.
ProductInfo_MaxQty5 Enter the maximum quantity for this quantity parameter. To allow the pricing engine itself to dictate the maximum, leave the text box empty.
ProductInfo_DecPlaces1 Enter the number of decimal places allowed for each of the quantity parameters.For example, to allow up to 2 decimal places in Q1
ProductInfo_DecPlaces2 Enter the number of decimal places allowed for each of the quantity parameters.For example, to allow up to 2 decimal places in Q2
ProductInfo_DecPlaces3 Enter the number of decimal places allowed for each of the quantity parameters.For example, to allow up to 2 decimal places in Q3
ProductInfo_DecPlaces4 Enter the number of decimal places allowed for each of the quantity parameters.For example, to allow up to 2 decimal places in Q4
ProductInfo_DecPlaces5 Enter the number of decimal places allowed for each of the quantity parameters.For example, to allow up to 2 decimal places in Q5
ProductInfo_OverrideTax If a tax amount is entered here, it will override all other sales tax calculations for orders of this particular product.Enter the override sales tax as a percentage number.
ProductInfo_VDPTech This feature is for products using a file upload on the product detail page, or within eDocBuilder.You may wish to have the quantity changed or locked, depending on a file the user uploads as part of ordering this product.
ProductInfo_MustShipSeparately If true you want the shipping charges to be calculated with the intent that the product will ship separately from other items in the shopping cart, even when going to the same shipping address.
ProductInfo_SortOrder To change how this product appears in the sort order of any category it is assigned to, enter a number here
ProductInfo_EnableQuickView If enabled, your customer will see a link through the product icon to view and order the product in a pop up window.
ProductInfo_TeaserPrice This area allows you to display a message telling the buyer what the lowest pricing for the product starts at
ProductInfo_VendorGetsNonMarkupPrice If you assign this product to an outside vendor you can either leave the pricing information off the dashboard they work from, or by check this option, the vendor will see the cost of the order before any markups have occurred
ProductInfo_ShowScaledPreview If true, then when a file is uploaded, it will be scaled without distortion to fit the page size given here.If not checked, the preview will be stretched to match the page size exactly.
ProductInfo_IsPrintEstimate Set True if you would like your buyer to be able to print an estimate of the product cost and options they selected
ProductInfo_PrintEstimatePromoText This text area allows you to add additional information to the estimate that will print
ProductInfo_IsUseOpenFrame When you turn on the Pressero OpenFrame option for a product, it allows a page from a 3rd party website to be shown inside an iFrame on the product detail page
ProductInfo_OpenframeUrl The url that your 3rd party software or service vendor will provide. This URL will be used for the "src" attribute of the iFrame.
ProductInfo_KitOptionsPerKitWeight Use this to add additional shipping weight, the default will be set to 0.
ProductInfo_KitOptionsMinQty The minimum number of kits that can be ordered.The minimum for this field is one.
ProductInfo_KitOptionsMaxQty The maximum number of kits that can be ordered.Leaving this field blank will set the maximum to an unlimited number of kits
ProductInfo_KitOptionsSetupFee This fee will be added to the order item for this kit regardless of quantity selected.
ProductInfo_KitOptionsPerKitFee An additional charge added per each kit
ProductInfo_KitOptionsPrompt Change the default prompt text that will appear on the product detail page by entering an alternative prompt here
ProductInfo_EDocCustomizeButtonText The text you enter here will appear on the button the user clicks to be redirected from the product detail page to the eDocBuilder customization area
ProductInfo_ImageUrl The address where the product image is avaliable.It's not possible to upload image throught the API, but the system will download the image from the link provided and show it on the product page.

SQL Call

exec bsc.Pressero.UpdateProduct '1234...'
update bsc.Pressero.Product set ProductName = 'test', ... where ProductId = '1234...'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

Update a user details 


Name Description Default
UserId R
TZ User's time zone, if no information is provided the default value will be used
MisId The user Integration ID
ReceiveNotifications The Pressero system will generate email notifications from the system when certain events happen
ReceiveAllNotifications The Pressero system will generate email notifications from the system when certain events happen
GroupIds A list of zero or more comma separated Groups (GUIDs) that the user will be part of
UserSite_AddressBook_PreferredAddress_Business The company name
UserSite_AddressBook_PreferredAddress_FirstName The owner first name
UserSite_AddressBook_PreferredAddress_LastName The owner last name
UserSite_AddressBook_PreferredAddress_Title The address title
UserSite_AddressBook_PreferredAddress_Address1 Enter the address for the location (Line 1)
UserSite_AddressBook_PreferredAddress_Address2 Enter the address for the location (Line 2)
UserSite_AddressBook_PreferredAddress_Address3 Enter the address for the location (Line 3)
UserSite_AddressBook_PreferredAddress_City Enter the city for this location
UserSite_AddressBook_PreferredAddress_StateProvince Enter the State or Province
UserSite_AddressBook_PreferredAddress_Postal Enter the postal code (Important information for integrated shipping sites)
UserSite_AddressBook_PreferredAddress_Country Enter the Country
UserSite_AddressBook_PreferredAddress_Phone Company phone number
UserSite_AddressBook_PreferredAddress_Fax Company fax number
UserSite_AddressBook_PreferredAddress_Email Company email
UserSite_CanViewPricing If the user can see or not the Pricing
UserSite_IsTaxExempt Indicate if the user has tax exemption
UserSite_TaxId The user Tax ID
UserSite_CapturePurchaseOrder You may choose to require a purchase order entry on the checkout page, make it optional, or not even ask. Possible values 0 For no, 1 for option, 2 for required, 3 Use site settings (Default 0)
UserSiteCust_IsApproved Indicates if the user is approved or not
UserSiteCust_IsShared Indicates if the user account is shared with multiple users False
UserSiteCust_DefaultPONumber Default Purchase order number to be displayed on the checkout screen
UserSiteCust_LocationId The user's Location ID GUID (Existing Location)
UserSiteCust_Location_LocationId The Location's ID
UserSiteCust_Location_AddressId The location's address ID
UserSiteCust_Location_IsActive Indicates if the location is Active
UserSiteCust_Location_GeneralInfo Notes
UserSiteCust_Location_Code Locations's Code
UserSiteCust_Location_SiteID Locations's Site ID
UserSite_Location_Address_Business The company name
UserSite_Location_Address_FirstName The owner first name
UserSite_Location_Address_LastName The owner last name
UserSite_Location_Address_Title The address title
UserSite_Location_Address_Address1 Enter the address for the location (Line 1)
UserSite_Location_Address_Address2 Enter the address for the location (Line 2)
UserSite_Location_Address_Address3 Enter the address for the location (Line 3)
UserSite_Location_Address_City Enter the city for this location
UserSite_Location_Address_StateProvince Enter the State or Province
UserSite_Location_Address_Postal Enter the postal code (Important information for integrated shipping sites)
UserSite_Location_Address_Country Enter the Country
UserSite_Location_Address_Phone Company phone number
UserSite_Location_Address_Fax Company fax number
UserSite_Location_Address_Email Company email
UserSiteCust_BossUserId The user's Boss ID
UserSiteCust_DepartmentName User's department name
UserSiteCust_ApprovalGroupId User's Approval Group ID
UserSiteCust_ApprovalGroup User's Approval Goup
UserSiteCust_ApprovalPlanId User's Approval Plan ID

SQL Call

exec BSC.Pressero.UpdateUser 'test'
update BSC.Pressero.User set Email = '', ... where UserId = '123-567e2-...'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

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