MSAD Adapter

This adapter allows you to access Active Directory using HTTP and SQL commands

Configuration Settings

Name Description Default
Boolean _isDefault Make this the default configuration. Defaults to true if configName is already the default.
String domain MS Active Directory domain
String userName Login ID with or without additional domain prefix, e.g. mydomain\userid.
String password
String server Active directory server


AddUserToGroups Adds a user to one or more security groups (the security groups must be in the same OU). details 


Name Description Default
samAccountName R The samAccountName (logon name) of the user to add to the security groups (ex: jdoe)
groups R A semi-column separated list of groups the user will be added to

SQL Call

exec Msad.AddUserToGroups 'jdoe', 'group1;group2'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

ChangePassword Change the password of a user. details 


Name Description Default
samAccountName R The samAccountName (logon name) of the user (ex: jdoe)
password R A new password for the user

SQL Call

exec Msad.ChangePassword 'jdoe', 'password'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

CreateUser Creates a new user in Active Directory. details 


Name Description Default
samAccountName R The samAccountName (logon name) of the user to create (ex: jdoe)
givenName The givenName (first name) of the user (ex: Doe)
sn The surname (last name) of the user (ex: John)
displayName The display name of the user (ex: John Doe)
userPrincipalName The optional UPN name of the user (ex:
pwd Optional password for the user (if not provided, the account will be disabled)
userAccountControl The Active Directory userAccountControl property value (default is a normal account) 512
OU Optional OU tree in which user will be created, in reverse hierarchy order (ex: OU=Florida,OU=USA)
properties Array of semi-column separated properties to set when creating the account; use {,} to provide an array of values for multivalued properties. (ex: givenName=John;sn=Doe;mail={,} )

SQL Call

exec Msad.CreateUser ''

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

DeleteUser Delete a user account. details 


Name Description Default
samAccountName R The samAccountName (logon name) of the user to delete (ex: jdoe)

SQL Call

exec Msad.DeleteUser 'jdoe'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

DisableUser Disable a user account. details 


Name Description Default
samAccountName R The samAccountName (logon name) of the user to disable (ex: jdoe)

SQL Call

exec Msad.DisableUser 'jdoe'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

EnableUser Enable or disable a user account. details 


Name Description Default
samAccountName R The samAccountName (logon name) of the user to enable (ex: jdoe)
state True/1 to enable; False/0 to disable. True

SQL Call

exec Msad.EnableUser 'jdoe'
exec Msad.EnableUser 'jdoe', 0

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

ListGroupUsers Returns a list of Active Directory "User" objects for the given group(s), i.e. (objectClass=User). details 


Name Description Default
_config Configuration definition to use
groups R One or more groups who's members to find.
path A valid LDAP path for the AD query. For example: CN=Sales,OU=Minnesota,OU=USA. This path is expanded to "LDAP://configured_domain_server/CN=Sales,OU=Minnesota,OU=USA,DC=mycompany,DC=com" if the domain of the active configuration is "". If this argument is left blank, the LDAP query submitted simply defaults to "LDAP://configured_domain_server/DC=mycompany,DC=com".
filter An valid ADSI filter to select records, for example: (mail=*) or (memberOf=Administrators) or (&((mail=*)(memberOf=Administrators))

SQL Call

exec Msad.ListGroupUsers
select * from Msad.Users where path = 'OU=Sales,OU=MyCompany'

Http Call


Output Columns

String name
String sn
String displayName
String description
String memberOf
String mail
String mailNickname
String whenCreated
String whenChanged
DateTime accountExpires
DateTime lastLogoff
DateTime lastLogon
String logonCount
DateTime pwdLastSet
String badPwdCount
DateTime badPasswordTime
String objectClass
String cn
String distinguishedName
String instanceType
String uSNCreated
String uSNChanged
String homeMTA
String proxyAddresses
String extensionName
String homeMDB
String mDBUseDefaults
String objectGUID
String userAccountControl
String codePage
String countryCode
String scriptPath
String primaryGroupID
String objectSid
String adminCount
String sAMAccountName
String sAMAccountType
String showInAddressBook
String legacyExchangeDN
String objectCategory
String isCriticalSystemObject
String dSCorePropagationData
String textEncodeORAddress
String msExchHomeServerName
String msExchALObjectVersion
String msExchMailboxSecurityDescriptor
String msExchUserAccountControl
String msExchMailboxGuid
String msExchPoliciesIncluded
String nTSecurityDescriptor
String _config
String path
String filter
ListUserGroups Returns a list of Active Directory Groups "User" objects for the given group(s), i.e. (objectClass=User). details 


Name Description Default
_config Configuration definition to use
users R One or more users who's groups to find.
path A valid LDAP path for the AD query. For example: CN=Sales,OU=Minnesota,OU=USA. This path is expanded to "LDAP://configured_domain_server/CN=Sales,OU=Minnesota,OU=USA,DC=mycompany,DC=com" if the domain of the active configuration is "". If this argument is left blank, the LDAP query submitted simply defaults to "LDAP://configured_domain_server/DC=mycompany,DC=com".
filter An valid ADSI filter to select records, for example: (mail=*) or (memberOf=Administrators) or (&((mail=*)(memberOf=Administrators))

SQL Call

exec Msad.ListUserGroups
select * from Msad.UserGroupss where users = 'myuser'

Http Call


Output Columns

String sAMAccountName
String groupName
String groupDisplayName
String groupDescription
String groupDistinguishedName
String groupSamAccountName
String groupSid
ListUsers Returns a list of Active Directory "User" objects, i.e. (objectClass=User). details 


Name Description Default
_config Configuration definition to use
path A valid LDAP path for the AD query. For example: CN=Sales,OU=Minnesota,OU=USA. This path is expanded to "LDAP://configured_domain_server/CN=Sales,OU=Minnesota,OU=USA,DC=mycompany,DC=com" if the domain of the active configuration is "". If this argument is left blank, the LDAP query submitted simply defaults to "LDAP://configured_domain_server/DC=mycompany,DC=com".
filter An valid ADSI filter to select records, for example: (mail=*) or (memberOf=Administrators) or (&((mail=*)(memberOf=Administrators))

SQL Call

exec Msad.ListUsers
select * from Msad.Users where path = 'OU=Sales,OU=MyCompany'

Http Call


Output Columns

String name
String sn
String displayName
String description
String memberOf
String mail
String mailNickname
String whenCreated
String whenChanged
DateTime accountExpires
DateTime lastLogoff
DateTime lastLogon
String logonCount
DateTime pwdLastSet
String badPwdCount
DateTime badPasswordTime
String objectClass
String cn
String distinguishedName
String instanceType
String uSNCreated
String uSNChanged
String homeMTA
String proxyAddresses
String extensionName
String homeMDB
String mDBUseDefaults
String objectGUID
String userAccountControl
String codePage
String countryCode
String scriptPath
String primaryGroupID
String objectSid
String adminCount
String sAMAccountName
String sAMAccountType
String showInAddressBook
String legacyExchangeDN
String objectCategory
String isCriticalSystemObject
String dSCorePropagationData
String textEncodeORAddress
String msExchHomeServerName
String msExchALObjectVersion
String msExchMailboxSecurityDescriptor
String msExchUserAccountControl
String msExchMailboxGuid
String msExchPoliciesIncluded
String nTSecurityDescriptor
String _config
String path
String filter
RemoveUserFromGroups Removes a user from one or more security groups. details 


Name Description Default
samAccountName R The samAccountName (logon name) of the user to remove from security groups (ex: jdoe)
groups R A semi-column separated list of groups the user will be removed from

SQL Call

exec Msad.RemoveUserFromGroups 'jdoe', 'group1;group2'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

UpdateUserProperties Updates the properties of a user in Active Directory. details 


Name Description Default
samAccountName R The samAccountName (logon name) of the user to remove from security groups (ex: jdoe)
properties R An array of semi-column separated properties to update; use {,} to provide an array of values for multivalued properties. (ex: givenName=John;sn=Doe;mail={,})

SQL Call

exec Msad.UpdateUserProperties 'jdoe', 'givenName=John;sn=Doe;mail={,}'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

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