Motus Adapter

This adapter allows you to access the Motus service using SQL and REST commands.

This adapter requires an account with the Motus service

Configuration Settings

Name Description Default
Boolean _isDefault Make this the default configuration. Defaults to true if configName is already the default.
String urlToken Authentication token service URL
String urlApi Web service URL
String userId Login used for authentication
String password Password used for authentication


Description of your handler details 


Name Description Default
clientLocationId R A unique identifier to associate the location with an entity in another system.

SQL Call

exec bsc.Motus.ListClientLocations 'test'
select * from Motus.ClientLocations where arg1 = 'test'

Http Call


Output Columns

String clientLocationIdA unique identifier to associate the location with an entity in another system.
String locationNameThe state or province of the address.
String address1The first line of the driver’s home address.
String address2The second line of the driver’s home address.
String cityThe city or town of the driver’s home address.
String stateProvinceThe state or province of the driver’s home address.
String countryThe country of the address in ISO-ALPHA-2 format (e.g. US or CA). Defaults to US if not specified.
String customFieldsA set of customer-defined location fields. Thes fields must be set up with Motus before sending them via the API.
String locationTagsA set of customer-defined location tags. These tags must be set up with Motus before sending them via the API.
API methods dealing with Drivers in the Motus system. details 


Name Description Default
clientEmployeeId1 Get a driver by Client Employee ID

SQL Call

exec bsc.Motus.ListDrivers 'abc123'
select * from Motus.Drivers where clientEmployeeId1 = 'abc123'

Http Call


Output Columns

String clientEmployeeId1A unique identifier to associate the driver with an entity in another system.
String clientEmployeeId2A secondary identifier to associate the driver with an entity in another system. This identifier is not used to uniquely identify the driver, but is passed back on exports and reporting.
Int64 programIdAn identifier to associate the driver with a Motus reimbursement program. These identifiers will be provided to you by Motus before the start of the reimbursement program.
String firstNameThe driver’s first (i.e. given) name.
String lastNameThe driver’s last (i.e. family) name.
String address1The first line of the driver’s home address.
String address2The second line of the driver’s home address.
String cityThe city or town of the driver’s home address.
String stateProvinceThe state or province of the driver’s home address.
String countryThe country of the address in ISO-ALPHA-2 format (e.g. US or CA). Defaults to US if not specified.
String postalCodeThe postal code for the address.
String emailThe driver’s email address.
String phoneThe driver’s primary phone number.
String alternatePhoneThe driver’s alternate phone number.
DateTime startDateThe driver’s start date on the Motus platform.
DateTime endDateThe driver’s end date on the Motus platform.
DateTime leaveStartDateThe start date of the driver’s leave of absence. If the full term of a driver’s leave is known, provide both the leave start and leave end date. If a driver’s leave is indefinite, provide the leave start date. If a leave end date is provided without a leave start date, the call will return an error.
DateTime leaveEndDateThe end date of the driver’s leave of absence on the Motus platform. If the full term of a driver’s leave is known, provide both the leave start and leave end date. If a driver’s leave is indefinite, provide the leave start date. If a leave end date is provided without a leave start date, the call will return an error.
Int64 annualBusinessMilesThe driver’s expected annual miles driven for business purposes. If blank, annual business miles will default to the annual expected business mileage set for the provided Program ID.
String commuteDeductionTypeThe type of the commute deduction. If blank, no commute deduction will be applied.
Int64 commuteDeductionCapThe maximum allowable value for the commute deduction where the type is NoOfficeCap or NoOfficeRadius. There is no default value for Commute Deduction Cap. If blank when Commute Deduction Type is NoOfficeCap or NoOfficeRadius, the call will return an error.
String customVariablesA list of customer-defined data fields. These must be configured with Motus before being sent via the API.

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Vero Beach, FL 32960
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