Int32 id | |
String key | The unique database key associated with the specific Location template being defined. |
String description | The name that will be displayed in the system for the Location. |
Int32 organization_id | The organization to which the item belongs. |
String organization_key | Unique code identifying the organization. |
Int32 locationType_id | The location type associated with this location. |
String locationType_key | LocationType’s key. |
String locationType_description | The name that will be displayed in the system for the Location Type. |
Int32 accountType_id | The account type associated with this location. |
String accountType_key | Account type key. |
String accountType_description | Description from Account Type. |
String locationOverrideTimeWindows | Indicates the time window type specific for that customer (What time opens and closes). |
Int32 serviceTimeType_id | Indicates the service time type for that customer. |
String serviceTimeType_key | ServiceTimeType’s key. |
String serviceTimeType_description | ServiceTimeType’s description. |
Int32 timeWindowType_id | Indicates the time window type for that customer (What time opens and closes). |
String timeWindowType_key | TimeWindowType’s key. |
String timeWindowType_description | TimeWindowType’s description. |
String taxID | Tax identifier (CPF/CNPJ). |
String addressLine1 | The street address for the Location. |
String addressLine2 | Additional address information such as apartment. |
String city | City of Location’s address. |
String state | State of Location’s address. |
String zipCode | Postal code of Location’s address. |
String district | District of Location’s address. |
String country | Country of Location’s address. |
Decimal longitude | Longitude using decimal format. |
Decimal latitude | Latitude using decimal format. |
String geocodingQuality | Quality of the geocoding information. |
String phone1 | Location’s phone number (1) for informational use. |
String phone1Type | Primary phone number Valid values: 0,1,2,3,4. 0 = Work, 1 = Home, 2 = Other, 3 = Mobile, 4 = Fax. |
String phone2 | Location’s phone number (2) for informational use. |
String phone2Type | Secondary phone number type. Valid values: 0,1,2,3,4. 0 = Work, 1 = Home, 2 = Other, 3 = Mobile, 4 = Fax. |
String email | Location’s e-mail address. |
String deliveryInstructions | Delivery instructions. |
Int32 deliveryRadius | Creates a circle around the location with the radius of the circle configured according to the number entered in miles. |
String deliveryDays | Delivery days can be represented by M,T,W,R,F,S,U. Each letter represents one delivery day on the week. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. For example, the String "M,R" will represent the delivery days of Monday and Thursday. |
Int32 nonHelperFixedTimeSecs | Time in seconds fixed of a Non Helper. |
Int32 nonHelperVarTimeSecs | Time in seconds variable of a Non Helper. |
Int32 helperFixedTimeSecs | Time in seconds fixed of a Helper. |
Int32 helperVarTimeSecs | Time in seconds variableof a Helper. |
Decimal perSize1Rate | Rate per Size 1. |
Decimal fixedCost | Fixed Cost of Location. |
String consignees | Consignees of the Location. |
DateTime geocodingDate | Date when the location was geocoded. |
DateTime geocodingLastCheck | Date time the location geocode was checked. |
Int32 geocodingUser_id | User that geocoded the Location. |
Int32 timeZone_id | The time zone associated with the specific Location template. |
String allowedUsers | User’s that are allowed to see this Location. |
Boolean enabled | Activates the Location in GreenMile to be utilized. |
Boolean hasGeofence | Shows if the Location has a Geofence. |
DateTime creationDate | |
DateTime lastModificationdDate | |
String raw | |