FlightAware Adapter

This adapter allows you to access real-time flight information from FlightAware.

This adapter requires a paid subscription to FlightAware.

Configuration Settings

Name Description Default
Boolean _isDefault Make this the default configuration. Defaults to true if configName is already the default.
String userName The user name of the FlightAware account
String apiKey The API key provided by FlightAware


aircraft_type Given an aircraft type string such as GALX, AircraftType returns information about that type. details 


Name Description Default
type R The aircraft type ID

SQL Call

exec flightaware.aircraft_type 'GALX'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

airline_flight_info Returns additional information about a commercial airline flight, such as gate, baggage claim, and meal service information. This information is currently only available for some carriers and flights. details 


Name Description Default
faFlightID R Unique identifier assigned by FlightAware for this flight (call In_Flight_Info or use ident@departureTime)

SQL Call

exec flightaware.airline_flight_info 'N12345-1425666886-384-0'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

airline_flight_schedules Returns flight schedules that have been published by airlines. These schedules are available for the recent past as well as up to one year into the future. Flights performed by airline codeshares are also returned in these results. details 


Name Description Default
startDate R timestamp of earliest flight departure to return, specified in integer seconds since 1970 (UNIX epoch time)
endDate R timestamp of latest flight departure to return, specified in integer seconds since 1970 (UNIX epoch time)
origin optional airport code of origin. If blank or unspecified, then flights with any origin will be returned
destination optional airport code of destination. If blank or unspecified, then flights with any destination will be returned
airline optional airline code of the carrier. If blank or unspecified, then flights on any airline will be returned
flightno optional flight number. If blank or unspecified, then any flight number will be returned
howMany maximum number of past records to obtain. Must be a positive integer value less than or equal to 15 15
offset must be an integer value of the offset row count you want the search to start at 0

SQL Call

exec flightaware.airline_flight_schedules 1425663900, 1425673900, 'MIA', 'KORD'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

airline_info Returns information about a commercial airline/carrier given an ICAO airline code. details 


Name Description Default
airlineCode R The ICAO airline ID (e.g., COA, ASA, UAL, etc.)

SQL Call

exec flightaware.airline_info 'UAL'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

airport_info Returns airport information including lat/long given its ICAO code. details 


Name Description Default
airport R The ICAO airport code

SQL Call

exec flightaware.airport_info 'KORD'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

airport_weather Returns current weather conditions at an airport given its ICAO code. details 


Name Description Default
airport R The ICAO airport code

SQL Call

exec flightaware.airport_weather 'KORD'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

all_airlines All available airlines. details 


SQL Call

exec flightaware.all_airlines

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

all_airports All available airports. details 


SQL Call

exec flightaware.all_airports

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

arrived Recently landed flights at an airport given its ICAO code. details 


Name Description Default
airport R The ICAO airport code
count Number of records to return (from 1 to 15) 1
type The type of records to return (ga or airline)
offset The offset to use when paging records 0

SQL Call

exec flightaware.arrived 'KORD', 10
exec flightaware.arrived 'KORD', 10, 'ga', 0
exec flightaware.arrived 'KORD', 10, 'airline', 0

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

departed Recently departed flights from an airport given its ICAO code. details 


Name Description Default
airport R The ICAO airport code
count Number of records to return (from 1 to 15) 1
type The type of records to return (ga or airline)
offset The offset to use when paging records 0

SQL Call

exec flightaware.departed 'KORD', 10
exec flightaware.departed 'KORD', 10, 'ga', 0
exec flightaware.departed 'KORD', 10, 'airline', 0

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

enroute Flights already in the air for an airport given its ICAO code. details 


Name Description Default
airport R The ICAO airport code
count Number of records to return (from 1 to 15) 1
type The type of records to return (ga or airline)
offset The offset to use when paging records 0

SQL Call

exec flightaware.enroute 'KORD', 10
exec flightaware.enroute 'KORD', 10, 'ga', 0
exec flightaware.enroute 'KORD', 10, 'airline', 0

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

fleet_arrived Returns information about recently arrived flights belonging to an aircraft fleet. Only flights that have arrived within the last 24 hours are considered. Codeshares and alternate idents are NOT considered. details 


Name Description Default
fleet R must be an ICAO prefix (e.g., COA, DAL, UAL, OPT, etc.)
howMany maximum number of past records to obtain. Must be a positive integer value less than or equal to 15 15
offset must be an integer value of the offset row count you want the search to start at 0

SQL Call

exec flightaware.fleet_arrived 'UAL'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

fleet_scheduled Returns information about recently arrived flights belonging to an aircraft fleet. Only flights that have arrived within the last 24 hours are considered. Codeshares and alternate idents are NOT considered. details 


Name Description Default
fleet R must be an ICAO prefix (e.g., COA, DAL, UAL, OPT, etc.)
howMany maximum number of past records to obtain. Must be a positive integer value less than or equal to 15 15
offset must be an integer value of the offset row count you want the search to start at 0

SQL Call

exec flightaware.fleet_scheduled 'UAL'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

flight_info returns information about flights for a specific tail number (e.g., N12345), or ICAO airline code with flight number (e.g., SWA2558). Use of ICAO codes is strongly recommended details 


Name Description Default
ident R requested tail number, or airline with flight number
howMany maximum number of past records to obtain. Must be a positive integer value less than or equal to 15 15

SQL Call

exec flightaware.flight_info 'SWA2558'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

flight_info_ex returns information about flights for a specific tail number (e.g., N12345), or ICAO airline code with flight number (e.g., SWA2558). Use of ICAO codes is strongly recommended details 


Name Description Default
ident R requested tail number, or airline with flight number
howMany maximum number of past records to obtain. Must be a positive integer value less than or equal to 15 15
offset must be an integer value of the offset row count you want the search to start at 0

SQL Call

exec flightaware.flight_info_ex 'SWA2558'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

get_flight_id Looks up the faFlightID for a given ident and departure time. This value is a unique identifier assigned by FlightAware as a way to permanently identify a flight. The specified departure time must exactly match either the actual or scheduled departure time of the flight. details 


Name Description Default
ident R requested tail number, or airline with flight number
departureTime R time and date of the desired flight, UNIX epoch seconds since 1970

SQL Call

exec flightaware.get_flight_id 'ENY9804', '1425663000'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

getEpochFromUTC Returns a UNIX epoch time given a UTC DateTime. details 


Name Description Default
utctime R DateTime in UTC

SQL Call

exec flightaware.getEpochFromUTC '01/01/2014 08:00:00'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

getUTCFromEpoch Returns a UTC DateTime given a UNIX epoch time. details 


Name Description Default
epoch R Integer seconds since 1970 (UNIX epoch time)

SQL Call

exec flightaware.getUTCFromEpoch 1425663900

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

in_flight_info Flight information given a specific tail number or ICAO and flight number. details 


Name Description Default
ident R The tail number of a flight

SQL Call

exec flightaware.in_flight_info 'N12345'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

inbound_flight_info Returns information about the flight being served by the same aircraft that will service a future flight. details 


Name Description Default
faFlightID R Unique identifier assigned by FlightAware of the desired flight

SQL Call

exec flightaware.inbound_flight_info 'N12345-1425666886-384-0'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

latlongs_to_distance Given two latitudes and longitudes, lat1 lon1 lat2 and lon2, respectively, determine the great circle distance between those positions in miles. The returned distance is rounded to the nearest whole mile. details 


Name Description Default
lat1 R Latitude of point 1
long1 R Longitude of point 1
lat2 R Latitude of point 2
long2 R Longitude of point 2

SQL Call

exec flightaware.latlongs_to_distance 25.79, -80.29, 41.97, -87.90

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

latlongs_to_heading Given two latitudes and longitudes, lat1 lon1 lat2 and lon2, respectively, calculate and return the initial compass heading (where 360 is North) from position one to position two. Quite accurate for relatively short distances but since it assumes the earth is a sphere rather than on irregular oblate sphereoid may be inaccurate for flights around a good chunk of the world, etc. details 


Name Description Default
lat1 R Latitude of point 1
long1 R Longitude of point 1
lat2 R Latitude of point 2
long2 R Longitude of point 2

SQL Call

exec flightaware.fleet_scheduled 25.79, -80.29, 41.97, -87.90

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

metar Given an airport, return the current raw METAR weather info. If no reports are available at the requested airport but are for a nearby airport, then the report from that airport may be returned instead. details 


Name Description Default
airport R the ICAO airport ID (e.g., KLAX, KSFO, KIAH, KHOU, KJFK, KEWR, KORD, KATL, etc.)

SQL Call

exec flightaware.metar 'KORD'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

scheduled Scheduled flights at an airport given its ICAO code. details 


Name Description Default
airport R The ICAO airport code
count Number of records to return (from 1 to 15) 1
type The type of records to return (ga or airline)
offset The offset to use when paging records 0

SQL Call

exec flightaware.scheduled 'KORD', 10
exec flightaware.scheduled 'KORD', 10, 'ga', 0
exec flightaware.scheduled 'KORD', 10, 'airline', 0

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

zipcode_info Returns information about a five-digit zipcode. Of particular importance is latitude and longitude. details 


Name Description Default
zipcode R A 5-digit U.S. Postal Service zipcode

SQL Call

exec flightaware.zipcode_info '33498'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

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