SharePoint Adapter

The SharePoint Adapter gives you extensive access to SharePoint lists, documents, permissions, and administration using SQL commands and REST requests.

This adapter works with SharePoint Online; most handlers work with SharePoint Server 2013 and higher.

Configuration Settings

Name Description Default
Boolean _isDefault Make this the default configuration. Defaults to true if configName is already the default.
String userName The user account to login with (such as an email address for Office 365)
String password The password to login with
String url The sharepoint URL
String useLookupIds When set to 1, uses the lookup ID instead of the Value for lookup fields


AddDocument Adds a document as a byte array to a SharePoint Library details 


Name Description Default
title R The title or the id of the list
fileName R The relative path and file name
overrideFile R Set to true to override the file
content R A binary stream of data to save as a document

SQL Call

EXEC sharepoint.AddDocument 'mylist1', 'myfilename', false, 0x001122334455

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

AddField Adds a new field to a list in SharePoint details 


Name Description Default
title R The title or id of the list
name R The name of the field to add
type The type of the field (Number, Currency, Guid, URL, User, Choice, Text, Note, DateTime) Text
defaultValue A default value for the field
options Options specific to the field type (currency: a valid LCID (locale id); datetime: date, datetime; note: richtext, plaintext; text: max length (int); url:image, hyperlink; choice: list of comma-separated values; user: peopleonly, peopleandgroups)
unique Sets the unique flag for this field (0=no, 1=yes) False
required Sets the required flag for this field (0=no, 1=yes) False

SQL Call

EXEC SharePoint.AddField 'mylist', 'fieldname', '' 

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

AddGroupUser Adds a user to a security group details 


Name Description Default
name R The name of the group
userInfo R The Email or LoginName of an existing user
noError True to silence errors False

SQL Call

EXEC SharePoint.AddGroupUser 'owners', 'email_or_loginname' 
INTO INTO sharepoint.GroupUsers VALUES ('owners', 'email_or_loginname')

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

AddListItem Inserts an item into an existing SharePoint list details 


SQL Call

INSERT INTO SharePoint.list@mylist (col1, cole2) VALUES (123, 'abc')

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

AddMarkedLocalFiles Adds one or more files as Marked Documents using the File adapter details 


Name Description Default
filePath R The full path to the file(s) to mark (including the name of the file, or a file pattern)
userId The user id for which to mark the files (optional)
afterDateTime Date filter
includeSubdirectories 1 to include subdirectories False
isUTC 1 to indicate the date filter is in UTC False
maxCount Max number of records to return 0

SQL Call

EXEC SharePoint.AddMarkedLocalFiles 'filePath'
EXEC SharePoint.AddMarkedLocalFiles 'filePath', 'userId'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

AddMarkedTMPDocument Adds a single Marked Document already downloaded as a TMP file details 


Name Description Default
filePath R The full path to the file to mark (including the name of the file)
tmpFile The TMP file name to use if already downloaded (if not provided, will attempt to download the file)
userId The user id for which to mark the files (optional)

SQL Call

EXEC SharePoint.AddMarkedTMPDocument 'filePath'
EXEC SharePoint.AddMarkedTMPDocument 'filePath', 'tmpFileName'
EXEC SharePoint.AddMarkedTMPDocument 'filePath', 'tmpFileName', 'userId'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

AddSitePermissions Adds a specific permission level to a SharePoint Group. details 


Name Description Default
subSite The name of the site/subsite/ (leave blank for current site)
name R The name of the group
roleNames A comma-separated list of roles to assign to the group Contributor

SQL Call

EXEC SharePoint.AddGroupToSite '/site/subsite/', 'myGroup1', 'View Only' 

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

AddTextDocument Adds a document as a string to a SharePoint Library details 


Name Description Default
title R The title or the id of the list
fileName R The relative path and file name
overrideFile R Set to true to override the file
content R A string to save as a document

SQL Call

EXEC sharepoint.AddDocument 'mylist1', 'myfilename', false, 'hello'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

BreakSiteRoleInheritence Breaks role assignment inheritence for a site or subsite. details 


Name Description Default
subSite The name of the site/subsite/ (leave blank for current site)

SQL Call

EXEC SharePoint.BreakSiteRoleInheritence '/site/subsite/'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

ClearFieldCache Clears the field cache of a SharePoint list, or all lists details 


Name Description Default
title The title or the id of the list (send null to clear the cache for all lists)

SQL Call

EXEC sharepoint.ClearFieldCache 'mylist1'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

ClearMarkedDocuments Clears the Marked Document list details 


Name Description Default
userId The user id for which to unmark the files (optional)

SQL Call

EXEC SharePoint.ClearMarkedDocuments
EXEC SharePoint.ClearMarkedDocuments 'userId'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

CreateFolder Creates a folder in a sharepoint list details 


Name Description Default
title R The title or the id of the list
folderName R The name of the folder

SQL Call

EXEC sharepoint.CreateFolder 'mylist1', 'myfolder'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

CreateGroup Creates a SharePoint group. details 


Name Description Default
groupName R The name of the group
description The description of the group

SQL Call

EXEC SharePoint.CreateGroup 'myGroup1' 

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

CreateList Creates a new list in SharePoint details 


Name Description Default
title R The title of the list
template R The template to use (GenericList, DocumentLibrary, Survey, Links, Announcements, Contacts, Posts, Events, Tasks, PictureLibrary... (See ListTemplateType SharePoint object type for reference))
description The description of the list

SQL Call

EXEC SharePoint.CreateList 'Test List', 'Posts', 'This is a test list' 

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

CreateSite Creates a new site (or subsite) in SharePoint details 


Name Description Default
siteUrl R The relative path of the new site
title R Friendly name of the new site
description R Description of the site
template The site template to use (STS#0 (default),STS#1,STS#2,MSP#0,WIKI#0...) STS#0
inheritPermission 1 to inherit permission (default: 1) True
language The language code (default: 1033) 1033

SQL Call

EXEC SharePoint.CreateSite '/subsite1/testsite', 'My Test Site', 'A description', 'STS#0', 1, 1033 

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

DeleteDocument Deletes a document from a SharePoint Library details 


Name Description Default
title R The title or the id of the list
fileName R The relative path and file name

SQL Call

EXEC sharepoint.DeleteDocument 'mylist1', 'myfilename'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

DeleteField Deletes a field from a list in SharePoint details 


Name Description Default
title R The title or id of the list
fieldName R The Title, Internal Name or Id of the field

SQL Call

EXEC SharePoint.DeleteField 'mylist', 'myproperty'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

DeleteFolder Deletes a folder in a sharepoint list details 


Name Description Default
title R The title or the id of the list
folderName R The name of the folder

SQL Call

EXEC sharepoint.DeleteFolder 'mylist1', 'myfolder'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

DeleteGroup Deletes a SharePoint group. details 


Name Description Default
groupName R The name of the group

SQL Call

EXEC SharePoint.DeleteGroup 'myGroup1' 

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

DeleteList Deletes a list in SharePoint details 


Name Description Default
title R The title or the id of the list

SQL Call

EXEC SharePoint.DeleteList 'Test List'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

DeleteListItem Deletes one or more items from an existing SharePoint list details 


SQL Call

DELETE FROM SharePoint.list@mylist WHERE id=1

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

DeleteListItemRaw Deletes one or more list items into an existing SharePoint list. details 


Name Description Default
name R The name of the list to delete an item from
where A SQL WHERE clause that identifies the records to be deleted (fields are case sensitive)

SQL Call

EXEC SharePoint.DeleteListItemRaw 'mylist', 'ID=10'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

DeleteSite Deletes a site (or subsite) in SharePoint details 


Name Description Default
siteUrl R The relative path of the site to delete

SQL Call

EXEC SharePoint.DeleteSite '/subsite1/testsite'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

DownloadDocument Downloads the content of a SharePoint document into a random temporary file in Enzo for further processing details 


Name Description Default
title R The title or the id of the list
fileName R The relative path and file name
timeout Operation timeout in minutes 0
downloadPath Specify a directory path in which to download the file; if not provided the file will be downloaded in the Enzo TMP directory
override Use 1 when okay to override file False

SQL Call

EXEC SharePoint.DownloadDocument '/subsite/mylist1', '/subfolder/myfilename'
EXEC SharePoint.DownloadDocument '/subsite/mylist1', '/subfolder/myfilename', 0, 'c: mp'

Http Call


Output Columns

String fileURLThe full path to the file downloaded
String tmpFileNameThe temporary file name that contains the file
Int64 bytesTxTotal bytes transferred
Double elapsedSecTotal seconds elapsed during the transfer
DownloadMarkedDocuments Downloads the documents previously marked for download details 


Name Description Default
downloadPath Specify a directory path in which to download the marked documents; if not provided the documents will be downloaded in the Enzo TMP directory
timeout Operation timeout in minutes 0
override When true overrides files if they exist False
resendAll When true resends all marked documents even if previously downloaded False
userId The user Id to use (optional)

SQL Call

EXEC SharePoint.DownloadMarkedDocuments

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

GetContext Gets the URL and the UserName of the SharePoint site being used details 


SQL Call

EXEC SharePoint.GetContext

Http Call


Output Columns

String urlThe URL of a SharePoint site
String userNameThe user name used to connect
GetDocuments Gets a list of documents in the given document list. details 


Name Description Default
Library The title of the list
Folder The name of the folder to inspect. Send null to return all documents and folders from the root
Recursive True if the query should include all documents below the folder provided False
mark True if the query should also mark the items for download False

SQL Call

EXEC SharePoint.GetDocuments 'Documents' 
SELECT * FROM SharePoint.Documents@MyDocuments
SELECT * FROM SharePoint.[Documents@subsite/MyDocuments]

Http Call


Output Columns

String LibraryThe name of the document library
String FolderThe folder name
Boolean Recursive1 when recursive
Boolean mark
String IDThe id of the file
String ContentTypeThe content type for this item
String NameThe name of the file
String CreatedByThe login of the user that last modified the file
String ModifiedByThe login of the user that last modified the file
DateTime CreatedThe modified datetime of the file
DateTime ModifiedThe modified datetime of the file
String File SizeThe size of the file
String ServerRelativeUrlThe server relative URL of the file
GetField Returns the properties of a single field of a list in SharePoint details 


Name Description Default
title R The title or id of the list
fieldName R The Title, Internal Name or Id of the field

SQL Call

EXEC SharePoint.GetFieldByTitle 'mylist', 'Body'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

GetFields Returns the list of fields of a list in SharePoint details 


Name Description Default
title R The title or id of the list

SQL Call

EXEC SharePoint.GetFields 'mylist'
SELECT * FROM SharePoint.Fields WHERE Title = 'mylist'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

GetFoldersWithRoles Gets a list of folders in a list including the assigned folder roles. details 


Name Description Default
Title R The name of the list to query
folder The name of the folder (null to retrieve all folders)

SQL Call

EXEC SharePoint.GetFoldersWithRoles 

Http Call


Output Columns

String idItem Id
String TitleThe name of the list
String FolderThe name of the folder
String serverRelativeUrlFolder path
String roleAssignmentsRoles assigned to the folder
Boolean hasUniqueRoleAssignmentsTrue if folder has unique role assignments
GetGroups Gets the list of groups. details 


SQL Call

EXEC SharePoint.GetGroups
SELECT * FROM sharepoint.Groups

Http Call


Output Columns

String idThe group id
String titleThe group name
String descriptionThe group description
String userCountNumber of users that are part of this group
GetGroupUsers Gets a list of users that belong to a group. details 


Name Description Default
name R The name of the group

SQL Call

EXEC SharePoint.GetGroupUsers 'owners' 
SELECT * FROM sharepoint.GroupUsers WHERE name = 'owners'

Http Call


Output Columns

String groupIdThe group id
String groupTitleThe group name
String loginNameThe login name of the user
String emailThe email of the user
String userTitleThe name of the user
GetListChanges Gets a list of changes made to a SharePoint List. details 


Name Description Default
name R The name of the list
changeType The type of change to filter on (add, delete, update). Leave blank to return all changes.
changeToken The last change token retrieved previously to retrieve changes from this point on. Leave blank for all changes.

SQL Call

EXEC SharePoint.GetListChanges 

Http Call


Output Columns

Int32 itemIdThe list item id
DateTime dateChangedThe datetime of the change
String changeTypeThe type of change
String changeTokenThe change token for this modification
GetListItems Get items from an existing SharePoint list (or view) details 


Name Description Default
viewName The name of the view to use. By default uses the default view.

SQL Call

SELECT * FROM SharePoint.list@mylist1
SELECT * FROM SharePoint.list@mylist1 WHERE viewname = 'myview'
SELECT ID, Title, Age, State FROM SharePoint.list@mylist1 WHERE State in ('Florida', 'New York') OR Age > 25

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

GetListItemsEx Get items from an existing SharePoint list (or view) details 


Name Description Default
viewName R The name of the view to use. By default uses the default view.
columns A case-sensitive list of columns to return. Send an empty string, or *, to return all columns. *
where A SQL where clause that is used to filter the output
top Maximum number of records to return 0

SQL Call

EXEC SharePoint.GetListItemsEx 'mylist1', '*', 'ID=5'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

GetMarkedDocuments Lists the files that have been marked along with their status details 


Name Description Default
userId The user id that marked the files (optional)

SQL Call

EXEC SharePoint.GetMarkedDocuments
EXEC SharePoint.GetMarkedDocuments 'sessionid'
SELECT * FROM SharePoint.MarkedDocuments WHERE session = 'sessionid'

Http Call


Output Columns

String userId
String sourceFile
String fileName
Boolean processed
String status
String tmpFileName
Int64 bytes
Single txPct
String errorMsg
GetRoles Gets site or subsite permissions details 


Name Description Default
subSite The name of the site/subsite/ (leave blank for current site)

SQL Call

EXEC SharePoint.GetRoles '/site/subsite/' 

Http Call


Output Columns

Int32 idThe role Id
String nameThe role name
String descriptionThe role description
GetSitePermissions Gets site or subsite permissions details 


Name Description Default
subSite The name of the site/subsite/ /

SQL Call

EXEC SharePoint.GetSitePermissions '/site/subsite/' 

Http Call


Output Columns

String subSiteThe name of the site
String nameThe principal name
String roleNamesList of permission levels
GetUserGroups Gets a list of groups a user belongs to. details 


Name Description Default
name The user email or user name

SQL Call

EXEC SharePoint.GetUserGroups '' 
SELECT * FROM sharepoint.usergroups WHERE email = ''

Http Call


Output Columns

String nameThe user email or LoginName
String userNameThe user name
String emailThe email of the user
String userPrincipalNameThe UPN of the user
String groupIdThe group Id the user belongs to
String groupNameGroup the user belongs to
GetUserPermissions Gets a list of effective user permissions for a specific SharePoint securable such as a list or folder. details 


Name Description Default
title R The title of the list
folder The path to the folder (for Document lists)

SQL Call

EXEC SharePoint.GetUserPermissions '/TeamSite/Documents/Personal/2016', '' 

Http Call


Output Columns

String titleThe name of the list
String folderThe folder (for Document lists)
String loginNameThe login name of the user
String roleThe role name
GetUsers Gets a list of users in the SharePoint site. details 


Name Description Default

SQL Call

EXEC SharePoint.GetUsers 
SELECT * FROM sharepoint.users WHERE email = ''

Http Call


Output Columns

String idThe user id
String TitleThe user name
String emailThe user email address
String LoginNameThe login name
Boolean IsSiteAdminTrue if the user is a site admin
String PrincipalTypeThe principal type
String NameIdThe NameId of the user
String NameIdIssuerThe NameIdIssuer of the user
String GroupsComma-separated list of groups the user belongs to
lists Get information about the available lists in the current SharePoint endpoint details 


Name Description Default
title The subsite/title or the Id of the list (optional)

SQL Call

SELECT * FROM SharePoint.lists 

Http Call


Output Columns

String Id
String Title
String Description
DateTime Created
String BaseType
String DefaultView
Boolean VersioningEnabled
Boolean ForceCheckout
Boolean Hidden
Int64 ItemCount
RemoveGroupUser Removes a user from a security group details 


Name Description Default
name R The name of the group
userInfo R The Email or LoginName of an existing user
noError True to silence errors False

SQL Call

EXEC SharePoint.RemoveGroupUser 'owners', 'email_or_loginname' 
DELETE FROM sharepoint.GroupUsers WHERE name='owners' and userInfo='email_or_loginname')

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

RemoveMarkedDocument Removes a single Marked Document details 


Name Description Default
filePath R The full path to the file to remove (including the name of the file)
userId The user id for which to unmark the files (optional)

SQL Call

EXEC SharePoint.RemoveMarkedDocument 'filePath'
EXEC SharePoint.RemoveMarkedDocument 'filePath', 'userId'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

RemoveSitePermissions Removes a specific set of permissions from a SharePoint Group. Breaks role assignment inheritence if requested. details 


Name Description Default
subSite The name of the site/subsite/ (leave blank for current site)
name R The name of the group
roleNames A comma-separated list of roles to remove from the group Contributor

SQL Call

EXEC SharePoint.RemoveGroupPermissions '/site/subsite/', 'myGroup1', 'Edit' 

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

RenameFolder Updates a folder in a sharepoint list details 


Name Description Default
title R The title or the id of the list
folderName R The name of the folder
newFolderName R The name of the folder

SQL Call

EXEC sharepoint.UpdateFolder 'mylist1', 'myfolder', 'newfoldername'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

sites Get information about the available sites for the current SharePoint endpoint details 


SQL Call

SELECT * FROM SharePoint.sites

Http Call


Output Columns

String id
String title
String description
DateTime created
String siteUrl
Boolean hasUniqueRoleAssignments
UpdateListItem Updates one or more items into an existing SharePoint list details 


SQL Call

UPDATE SharePoint.list@mylist SET col1 = 123 WHERE id=2

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

UpdateSite Updates a site (or subsite) in SharePoint details 


Name Description Default
siteUrl R The relative path of the site
title Friendly name of the new site (send null to leave the name unchanged)
description Description of the site (send null to leave the description unchanged)

SQL Call

EXEC SharePoint.UpdateSite '/subsite1/testsite', 'My new site name', 'A new description' 

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

UploadDocument Uploads the content of a file or TMP file into a SharePoint Online Document Library details 


Name Description Default
sourceFileName R The name of the source (or TMP) file
title R The name of the document library (includes subsite path)
fileName R The file name to create (includes the folder; folder must exist)
override Use 1 when okay to override file False
timeout Operation timeout in minutes 0

SQL Call

EXEC SharePoint.UploadDocument 'TMPFILE.tmp', '/subsite/mylist1', '/folder1/myfilename.txt'
EXEC SharePoint.UploadDocument 'c:\files\myfile.txt', '/subsite/mylist1', '/folder1/myfilename.txt'

Http Call


Output Columns

String fileURLThe file name created in SharePoint
Int64 bytesTxTotal bytes transferred
Double elapsedSecTotal seconds elapsed during the transfer
UploadMarkedDocuments Uploads the documents previously marked for download and actually downloaded using the DownloadMarkedDocuments method details 


Name Description Default
library R Name of the destination document library, including subsites (ex: /subsite/MyDocuments/)
folder Name of the destination folder (leave blank for root)
override When true overrides destination files if they exist False
resendAll When true resends all marked documents even if previously sent False
userId The user Id to use (optional)

SQL Call

EXEC SharePoint.UploadMarkedDocuments

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

UpsertListItemRaw Inserts or updates one or more items in an existing SharePoint list. details 


Name Description Default
name R The name of the list
data An XML string or a JSon document or array (fields are case sensitive)
uid The unique key of the table (if missing, the data will be inserted)

SQL Call

EXEC SharePoint.UpsertListItemRaw 'mylist', '74fc1087-d1d9-4841-a2ad-27c9adc1b5aaFlorida', 'uid'

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

webapplication Get information about the current SharePoint endpoint details 


SQL Call

SELECT * FROM SharePoint.webapplication 

Http Call


Output Columns

String Id
String Title
String Description
DateTime Created
String URL
GetDocument Reads a document from a SharePoint Library details 


Name Description Default
title R The title or the id of the list
fileName R The relative path and file name

SQL Call

EXEC sharepoint.GetDocument 'mylist1', 'myfilename'

Http Call


Output Columns

Object contentThe content of the file
String etagThe eTag of the file
GetDocumentAt Reads a document as a binary file from a SharePoint Library from a relative server path or document library path URL details 


Name Description Default
url R The relative path of the document in SharePoint

SQL Call

EXEC sharepoint.GetDocumentAt '/mylist1/folder/myfilename.txt'

Http Call


Output Columns

Object contentThe content of the file
String etagThe eTag of the file
GetTextDocument Reads a document from a SharePoint Library details 


Name Description Default
title R The title or the id of the list
fileName R The relative path and file name

SQL Call

EXEC sharepoint.GetTextDocument 'mylist1', 'myfilename'

Http Call


Output Columns

String contentThe content of the file as a text file
String etagThe eTag of the file
GetTextDocumentAt Reads a document as a text output from a SharePoint Library from a relative server path or document library path URL details 


Name Description Default
url R The relative path of the document in SharePoint

SQL Call

EXEC sharepoint.GetTextDocumentAt '/mylist1/folder/myfilename.txt'

Http Call


Output Columns

Object contentThe content of the file
String etagThe eTag of the file

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