GeoNames Adapter

This adapter allows you to access geocoding and geolocation services using the GeoNames service.

This adapter requires the creation of a service account with GeoNames

Configuration Settings

Name Description Default
Boolean _isDefault Make this the default configuration. Defaults to true if configName is already the default.
String userName Your account name for the GeoNames service


countryInfo Returns the list of countries details 


SQL Call

exec geonames.countryInfo

Http Call


Output Columns

This call does not return data.

features Returns geographic features of a specific location given its geonameid details 


Name Description Default
geonameid R The geonameid of the location

SQL Call

exec geonames.features 1

Http Call


Output Columns

String toponymName
String name
String lat
String lng
String geonameId
String countryCode
String countryName
String fcl
String fcode
String fclName
String fcodeName
String population
String alternateNames
String elevation
String srtm3
String continentCode
String geoname_Id
String adminName1
String adminCode2
String adminName2
nearbyPostalCodes Returns a list of postal codes around a lat/long position given a radius, sorted by distance details 


Name Description Default
lat R The latitude of the location
lng R The longitude of the location
radius The radius to search within 10
maxrows Maximum number of records to return 10
country The country used to filter the list of postal codes
localcountry Specify 1 to restrict the search to the local country specified in border areas

SQL Call

exec geonames.nearbyPostalCodes 47., 9., 5, 10

Http Call


Output Columns

String postalcode
String name
String countryCode
String lat
String lng
String adminCode1
String adminName1
String adminCode2
String adminName2
String adminCode3
String adminName3
String distance
nearbyPostalCodes2 Returns a list of postal codes around a postal code within a radius, sorted by distance details 


Name Description Default
postalcode R The postal code to search from
radius The radius to search within 10
maxrows Maximum number of records to return 10
country The country in which the postal code is found
localcountry Specify 1 to restrict the search to the local country specified in border areas

SQL Call

exec geonames.nearbyPostalCodes2 '33498', 5

Http Call


Output Columns

String postalcode
String name
String countryCode
String lat
String lng
String adminCode1
String adminName1
String adminCode2
String adminName2
String adminCode3
String adminName3
String distance
nearbyToponym Returns information of nearby locations given lat/long details 


Name Description Default
lat R The latitude of the location
lng R The longitude of the location
featureclass The class of the feature
featurecode The code of the feature
radius The radius to search within 10
maxrows Maximum number of records to return 10
country The country used to filter the list of postal codes
localcountry Specify 1 to restrict the search to the local country specified in border areas

SQL Call

exec geonames.nearbyToponym 27.33,-82.53

Http Call


Output Columns

String toponymName
String name
String lat
String lng
String geonameId
String countryCode
String countryName
String fcl
String fcode
String fclName
String fcodeName
String population
String alternateNames
String elevation
String continentCode
String geoname_id
String adminName1
String adminCode2
String adminName2
String distance
nearestObservation Nearest wheater observation for a specific lat/long details 


Name Description Default
lat R The latitude of the location
lng R The longitude of the location
radius The radius to search within 10

SQL Call

exec geonames.nearestObservation 27.33,-82.53

Http Call


Output Columns

String observation
String observationTime
String stationName
String ICAO
String countryCode
String elevation
String lat
String lng
String temperature
String dewPoint
String humidity
String windDirection
String windSpeed
String cloudsCode
String cloudsText
postalCodeSearch Returns information about a location given its postal code details 


Name Description Default
postalcode R The postal code to search on
country The country in which the zip code is found
maxrows Maximum number of results to return 10
startswith Specify 1 to search on postal codes that start with the specified postal code False

SQL Call

exec geonames.postalCodeSearch '33498', 'US', 10, 0
exec geonames.postal_code_search '33', 'US', '10', 'true'

Http Call


Output Columns

String postalcode
String name
String countryCode
String lat
String lng
String adminCode1
String adminName1
String adminCode2
String adminName2
String adminCode3
String adminName3
String geonames_id
postalCodeSearchByPlacename Returns information about a location given its name details 


Name Description Default
placename R The place of a location to search for
country The country in which the location is found
maxrows Maximum number of rows to return 10
operator The operator to use: AND, OR
startswith Specify 1 to search on place names that start with the specified place name False

SQL Call

exec geonames.postalCodeSearchByPlacename 'Monaco', 'MC', 10, '', 1
SELECT * FROM geonames.postalbyplacename WHERE placename = 'mc'

Http Call


Output Columns

String postalcode
String name
String countryCode
String lat
String lng
String adminCode1
String adminName1
String adminCode2
String adminName2
String adminCode3
String adminName3
String geonames_id
postalCodesLookup Returns information about a location given its zip code details 


Name Description Default
postalcode R The postal code to look for
country The country of the postal code
maxrows Maximum number of records to return 10

SQL Call

exec geonames.postalCodesLookup '33498', 'US', 5

Http Call


Output Columns

String adminName2
String adminName3
String adminCode2
String postalCode
String adminCode1
String countryCode
String lng
String placeName
String lat
String adminName1

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Vero Beach, FL 32960
United States

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